Official Product Wishlist

Same writing team - Decipher hired them when they bought the license after Last Unicorn was acquired by Wizards.

Coda got its name because it was doing Icon (LUG’s system) over again “properly” (although some players didn’t agree with that last part as I recall!).

Star Fleet Marines supplement.
A supplement that goes over defining/forming a federation member planet’s own specific space/army type forces.

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As neither of those things exist in canon, that would be a very empty supplement.


As neither of those things exist in canon, that would be a very empty supplement.

When did that stop any creative people from creating good RPG content? Member worlds do retain a lot of autonomy, like vulcan science institute and vulcan ship fleet, etc, etc.

Because official products require approvals from the licensor. What you do in your own games is one thing, but official products can’t break from what CBS permit us to do. This is an official product wishlist, so wishing for things that fall outside the realms of possibility will just lead to disappointment.


Would a direct collaboration between Modiphius and Cryptic be possible, in order to produce a sourcebook for Star Trek Online-related content for STA, and say, to get the Shackleton Expanse in the video game? I imagine it would be a logistical challenge, perhaps a nightmare, but it should be possible. Would there be any interest in something like that on Modiphius’ part at least?

Oh, on the point of cooperations: What about a co-op with HeroForge so they will get proper Star Trek Uniforms? :slight_smile:


It would be cool :sunglasses: if HeroForge could do Star Trek stuff. Especially for minor factions that Modiphius might not do because it wouldn’t be profitable for them to do so.


I know there may be some licencing issues but I would like to third the call for Hero Forge partnership.

There are indeed licensing matters that make a HeroForge option a non-starter.

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what about a STO sourcebook? I kinda like that idea. STO and STA have a fair bit of advertising already (I love that when I order a book direct from Modiphius I get a free ship for STO:) )

another thing I’d like to see is a Klingon Operations Manual that basicly provides rules for a klingon crew (A romulan manual would be awesome too but too many chances of Picard contridicting something)


(I love that when I order a book direct from Modiphius I get a free ship for STO:) )

Confused. Is this just a what if example, or does this actually happen for you?

It did happen, at least for the original core rulebook.

I have no idea where my voucher went, as I only started playing STO months afterwards

I’m sure it’s being said already: Delta Quadrant ^^ I love my Voyager series :wink: But I’m sure you’re working on it.

We have a lot of scenarios and thank you for that, maybe a campaign would be nice.

when I palce an order at their website for the book and PDF package, the past two things I’ve ordered from them have had a STO code as well. the Beta Quadrant had a tier 2 or 3 gorn ship, and the alpha quadrant has a tzenkethi ship.

Really? I got the Alpha Quadrant through the store as well, and I never got a code for a Tzenkethi ship. It’s possible they only had a certain amount of codes…

It would be nice if they still have a lot of codes to give out for that (I may have to contact support to find out what happened to my code for a ship). Also, not sure they are doing the same thing for Gamma Quadrant, either.

It would be nice if they still have a lot of codes to give out for that (I may have to contact support to find out what happened to my code for a ship). Also, not sure they are doing the same thing for Gamma Quadrant, either.

It would be nice to hear something official about this at all. If an STO code was included, or even the chance at one while supplies last, that would be an added incentive to buy from Modiphius directly rather than Amazon or DTRPG.

I can’t remember but I may have pre-ordered those books so… pre-order bonus maybe?

If I have a wish: A Player compendium, with aditional Carrer events and a better structured Combat-section

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An alternate starter set would be nice- maybe TOS themed?

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