Official Product Wishlist

Unfortunatley, I won’t make it to Essen. I would have very much liked to meet some Modiphius-people there!

So I hope that my copy of SNW will arrive very soon. And until then, there will be the PDF… :slight_smile:

And another for the wish-list (or maybe, just the list of suggestions): Will there be a compendium of the stand-alone missions that are PDF-only, at the moment? E.g. like the German Publisher “Pegasus Spiele / Pegasus Games” does it with the “Schattenhandbuch” (Shadow Manual) series, where they compile and publish all those short PDF-supplements of the “Shadowrun” brand?

they will also be hosting Dragonmeet on 30th november in london

After reading over Strange New Worlds, I’d LOVE to see official ENT era character and ship sheets.

ENT series crew and ship are in the works.

Or did you mean blank character and ship sheets in the ENT layout?


I think so. And if not, I do mean and wish. :slight_smile:


Yes, please. The Romulan War calls to me.

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themed ones?


I agree, even if DIS is “just” an update of TOS. :wink:

Shame they don’t have a license for disco or picard

Here is a thought I just had for possible product (something I would definitely consider getting).

Basically, a ‘modular’ GM screen. The back of it, which would face the players, would have a dynamic scene similar to what it currently has, but the main ship shown in the center or prominently is an insert that can be changed out with one of any of the models for ships available for the players main ship in order to ‘personalize’ it for the campaign.

The inside, which faces the GM, being made entirely of inserts that can be slipped into the transparent pockets of the GM screen. The screen would come with multiple inserts, and the GM can choose which inserts he needs for the session and switch them out as needed.

For example: not doing ship combat? No problem, don’t put that insert in. Easily forget the momentum/threat spends? Put that insert in the center ‘screen’. Rarely deal with extended tasks or the mechanics for testing a hypothesis? Pull out that insert when needed then return it to storage when done.

I think you get the idea. It may be somewhat difficult to implement how I see it in my head, though.


This is how Pinnacle Entertainment Group handles their screens for their various Savage Worlds settings. They sell a modular three-panel landscape screen (I’ve owned one for years now), and sell system-specific inserts as PDFs.

Modiphius could do something similar, in different era motifs. And have them available in both portrait and landscape orientations.

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Ooh, pretty :slight_smile: I’ve been trying to work up my own theme for that era. This is as far I got so far:

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What I would really love is a TOS-skinned “Player’s Handbook” (i.e., the Core Rulebook with only the sections that players would need, maybe 1/3 the page count?). Also a TOS-style GM screen. I recently bought “Hard Rock Catastrophe” and really like the aesthetics of it, whereas the TNG aesthetics (and constant references to TNG-specific species and such) in the core material is a real turn-off for me.


what i need, are more minis and tiles… i want to play with the voyager crew… and i need more stuff 4 the red alert system… ds9 minis would be nice 2…

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Well, I would like to see a set of TOS era tiles similar to the ones you made for TNG. Even if they are based off of the Enterprise, they will be sufficient!


Shapeways Miniatures has all three of those (and many, many more) and I think you can buy the stl file instead of just the ship.

ENT series crew and ship are in the works.

Or did you mean blank character and ship sheets in the ENT layout?

I was talking about the blank character and ship sheets, but I’d love to see the ENT series crew and NX-01 packet as well! (And official ENT stats for the various ships from the major species in the series.)

I for one would like to see a ground combat skirmish game more like Wasteland warfare, using the pre-existing models, gives a good base and most ground combat we see in enterprise to DS9/Voyager is small squads and landing parties vs say Warhammer or Starwars Legions sized armies. Something that uses inches as opposed to red alert’s areas. This could also lead to more release options, such as terrain packs individual figures releases.

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That exists friend, it’s in the back if the Operations book called Red Alert.

I’m not familiar with Unicorn’s books but Coda did a great job in its Narrator book too.