Official Product Wishlist

I’ve contacted him, he usually takes a couple of days to reply, but something similar would probably be a welcome resource in future official products.

As for the upgrades - you can upgrade a whole department, or a add/swap a talent, but those are huge things. You can also do the 10% improvement through in game effort. I’m talking more small bonuses and flavorful items that wouldn’t be standard on every ship, but a captain could requisition for a small bonus - For example, an osteopathic re-generator (upgrade on the dermal re-generator) or a molecular scanner (upgrade on the standard tricorder) that gives a small bonus, but doesn’t massively effect the game as a whole.

Many have already asked for a book for Klingons and Romulans. I add my voice to that request. I would also like to see a sourcebook for Starfleet Intelligence and it’s ships, equipment and missions.

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Am I the only one who wants a supplement for the crew of the USS Sally Ride?

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No, now that you said it, I need that too.

We announced, at GenCon, while the cast of Shield of Tomorrow were doing a signing at our stand, that we’d be making miniatures of them, with character sheets for their characters in the box.

Naturally, they were excited by the concept…


Luckily nobody died.
Is there any scedule for the Shield of Tomorrow Figures?
Will Dr. Sh’shiros were full Uniform or Shirtsleevs and Coat?

Do I sound like a little Nerd, yeas I do.

I would also like to see a sourcebook for Starfleet Intelligence and it’s ships, equipment and missions.

You get a lot of that in Ops, actually. They have a bit about Section 31, for sure.

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I would like to see a book on more starships.

I would love to see a book on Star Trek species. Not a ‘monster’ book, as those have limited usage, but a true Species book.

Each one given a number of pages. 5? Because one page is going to be half spent with a pic. The other half will have stats. Then 4 pages of fluff. Who they are. When they joined the Federation (Or what ever group they are a part of). Significant happenings in that species history.

Having a few STA Books now, I could expect a side bar or two in those 5 pages, with interesting hooks or what have you, from a member of that species, and maybe one from someone commenting ON that species. 5 pages you could include some interesting quirks of the species too. You’d have room/space to do more than just the bare bones minimalist skeleton, and expect players to flesh out the rest.

With a 5 page work up, you could give some nice meat on the bone. Maybe more talents for each species. Lets say 3 more each. The starting book gives one or two. So 3 more per species would really help flesh them out. Something ‘deep’ in the species work up. Not “Ok most every Andorian is like this” but something unique. Doesn’t have to be combat oriented or even “super useful” but something to help round out and flesh out the character as pertaining to his or her or it’s species.

Give some information that’s not seen on the ‘surface’ of every single ST thing we’ve seen in the past. Detail all FOUR of the Andorian genders. Explain more than just the names. Show about quad marriages and how Starfleet accommodates such. Do all 4 need to be starfleet officers or crewpeople? Or do they accommodate spouses on ships? Sure a galaxy class you can see it but what about a Saber where the entire crew is like 40 people. One crewman and 3 non starfleet spouses would take up a 10th of the ships roster.

Give us more information on the extended family groups of the Denobulans. How does that work? What happens when they separate? Flox seemed perfectly chill being away but do all?

Tell us more about the Cardassian evolution. ARE they reptilian? Mammalian?

Tell me more about Tellarites hands, why some have two furry clawed fingers and some 5 humanoid ones. And DO the Tellarites have deltagrade piggy legs?

Tell me what Horta do for fun or to relax. Tell me about the Horta in Starfleet.

Tell me about what happens when a Romulan and Vulcan mate.

Supplement books for STA seem to be about 130 pages.

Lets say splash page, index, intro, 10 pages.

Random art on the way through another 15 pages. Either in full page spreads or half or quarter pages. (This is apart from the half page art that should depict -each- and -every- species entry. This is stuff like Trills and Andorians and Tellarites doing things together. Klingons and Gorn fighting, etc. (Remember you don’t need as much ‘extra’ art, as each species detailed will have a full half page illustration of that species.)

That leaves 105 pages.

You could do TWENTY ONE nice, deep, detailed species write ups.

You can give some of the non standard “Human with different nose” or “human with different ears” type species as well. (Don’t get me wrong. Bajoran and Romulan deserve an entry, but the others are usually lacking)

Give me a nice juicy write up on the S’Ti’ach. Give me an entry on the Edosians. We’ve seen them in the art in the book. Let us play one!! Give us an entry on the Kelpiens. How about some love for the Brikar? I mean wouldn’t you love to have a Pahkwa-thanh PC or at least as an officer or NCO on your ships?

Not every entry has to be ‘exotic’ or ‘weird’ but a book like this you could put those options in.

Oh and give me rules for “How to make your own species”. Doesn’t have to be stupid long or super detailed but canon, game rules to make custom species for our games would be nice. I create species ALL THE TIME, but having a way to use the rules to make them would also be nice. I mean I can eyeball it. (Always do) but we’ve all had those game masters… “Not in the book, not in my game” “But it’s just a custom species, not more powerful than any other” “Not in the book. not my game”

This would let us get them ‘in the game’ via the rules.


Beyond what Modiphius already plan on producing I’d love to see a detailed Klingon sourcebook with information for creating and playing Klingon PCs (Klingon Lifepath etc).
I’d love to run a campaign based around the crew of a Bird of Prey.
It would also require lyrics to some more popular Klingon battle hymns and shanties for my players to sing along.

It would be glorious!


I agree with @troy70 - but would add that I would love to have starship deckplans. Not tiles but deckplans. I know some are discoverable online, but not enough. :slight_smile:


Some other thoughts:

  1. I’d like to see some rules for generating planetary systems. My hope is that these are part of the Science division book. Yeah, I know that we can usually hand-wave, but sometimes I like the details.
  2. I’d like to see something about stations. The default set-up for STA is that the characters are on a ship going from place to place. But a DS9-like campaign could have the characters be a bit more stationary, with recurring antagonists and evolving story arcs.
  3. First contact: someone in thread about the Living Campaign made a call for more minor species. How about a book focused on meeting other (previously unknown) species? Peaceful aliens, hostile aliens, aliens that you meet once and then they never return your calls and you don’t know why. Sometimes you might meet them in space; sometimes on their homeworlds.

There are Stations (jupp only two) in the Command Division Book.

Hey, it was tough even getting that much space for Starbases in that book - there was a lot of content to cram into those pages.

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So, we will get more Space Stations?

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I can’t speak to the contents of future books, as I’m busy working on other game lines these days, and I tend not to see the content of new Star Trek books until they’re done, unless I’m asked to consult on them during development.

When I wrote the Starbases content for the Command book, I deliberately wrote only a little as I was aware of how little space was available, but it was a subject I felt we needed to cover, so what I wrote is what exists (there’s no hidden treasure trove of unpublished starbases). I provided rules for Deep Space Nine alongside the canon crew starships (and those are going into the canon crew PDFs), so there’s that extra station out there, but whatever subsequent writers choose to do with the rules I’ve put in place is something I’m not placed to comment on.

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@bcholmes: I like the first contact idea, although instead of the set of pre-made alien races I would prefer a cook-book on how to create the alien races, so they feel balanced and lively. Something maybe like a cross-over between the Life path for PCs and the starship creation where the logical choices of past events or designations actually blend it all together in a complex and believable way. (Thinking about it, it could also be just a nice chapter in Gamma or Delta quadrant books… :wink:).

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Which of the two Stations would you recommend as Base for Nerandra Station?

The Front-Line Starbase is a decent stand-in for Narendra Station, with the extra traits Joint Klingon-Federation Operation and Hub Station for the Shackleton Expanse.

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I’d like to see starships and star bases. And to clarify, this is a roleplaying game. Starship stats and star base stats are not starships and star bases. They are text descriptions with game mechanic stats. But they don’t tell you where anything is compared to anything else. Deck-plans are what is needed. Not large battle maps where they are scaled to use miniatures. But semi-detailed deck plans that are actually usable when printed one deck to one standard 8x11 page and passed around as well as being available in high enough resolution that it is possible to zoom in an blow up the bridge and print it if you do have mini’s. STA is a RPG about PC’s that are familiar with their ships. A game aid map should be designed so the real human running the PC can see where stuff is and make intelligent plans. Personally I have several ship deck plans printed 11x17 I use in games. But it limits me to a handful of ship classes. And there is only one full deck plan I was able to find, a K-7, but it is near useless. It is gorgeous and detailed, but made with a black background and darker detail pallet making it unprintable and useless to the tabletop.

I’d kill for PDF deckplans that default to 11x17 prints, but having enough resolution that you can zoom in and print a section large enough to place miniatures for those that use them. Win Win Win for RPG gamers…