GateKeeper's Models and Terrain

Got some more pictures to share with everyone today.

The first picture is of my “Wasteland Creatures.” It’s important to note that both of my Wasteland Creature Core Boxes didn’t have everything in them. I only received half of the Ferals and Radroaches that were supposed to be in those (Should have six more of each. Have reached out to Modiphius about it the other day and I received a message saying it had been forwarded to the appropriate department. Still waiting to hear back on anything further. Not too worried about the Radroaches, but I REALLY want my missing Ferals.)

Five Deathclaws. The “Pink” one is the albino I’m working on. White basecoat and a dark pink wash. Still need to go back and do the claws and horns, as well as give the model a white drybrush so the pink only appears in the deeper spots. The others are unpainted. Was really happy with how easily the models fit if you reverse them on the base so it helps make them stand apart.

Then there are four Radscorptions. Twelve of the eighteen Ferals, and twelve of the eighteen Radroaches.

Also includes my five Aliens since I have them stored with the creatures at the moment.

Next up, since some people have been talking about storing cards, I decided to show how I am storing my tokens, dice, and rulers. This is four sets of dice and three sets of tokens from the starter sets. The case is from the fishing section of our local Wal*Mart and they’re pretty affordable. (Dividers are placable, so you can make the slots as large or small as you want. Unfortunately, the cases only have enough dividers to fill about 2/3 of the slots.)

Got my hands on some extra storage cases today, so tonight begins the construction of my Brotherhood of Steel army!


Looking great! Wow, you really went in heavy. I thought I went in heavy with a single Vault-Dweller pledge. For certain units, I’m definitely going to follow your lead and get more to paint alternates. The Albino Deathclaw is a great idea. I really want to alternate protectrons. I need some medical protectrons, construction, police, etc.

Wow Gatekeeper, don’t you worry that Modiphius is going to come out with alternate sculpts for some of these that you’ll want, like the Deathclaw? You’ll probably end up getting those too huh? Haha!

Also, your small army of aliens is hilarious. Would be great for a zany scenario. I expect you to paint each one with a slightly different skin tone variation, or else what’s the point, right?

Glad you are having fun.

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Thanks. I am a huge fan of the series since almost the beginning. I was just finishing up the first game in the series when I found out Fallout 2 was coming out and I’ve been obsessed ever sense. I ended up skimming a bit of money off the budget each month and ordered everything over about six months time. Got the Vault Tec Complete bundle and one of each faction bundles along with a few other things on the side. The extra Uniques as well as one of the five starters I ordered went to a friend. The rest I kept.

For the alternate sculpts, that would be fine. I have two kids who are both obsessed with Fallout. If alternate sculpts come out for something like a Deathclaw where I dont want a lot of them, I’ll pick up one or two depending on what they choose to do with it and maybe shuffle off one or two of the old ones to my kids. For something like the shock troops (Settlers, Ferals, Knights, Super Mutants, etc) I’m fine with having more sculpts and will likely aim to have several of each.

What I’m actually thinking about doing with some of the models that I have multiples of is number the front of the bases as a way to tell them apart. With things like Codsworth and the Mr Handy models, it’s almost going to be a requirement in order to tell them apart. I figure that if I write the name on the front of the bases for Unique models, and number the generic models, I’ll be in good shape. For anything where I can paint things differently (Different color schemes for the Deathclaw, maybe different loincloth options for the Super Mutants, those kinds of things) just to ensure things are easy to tell apart at a glance.

For the aliens, I had a lot of fun playing Mothership Zeta back in Fallout 3, so I kind of want to be able to field a small army of them. It’s my sincere hope that they release a small bundle of them at some point in the future to give a couple more play options and some new sculpts (Maybe something like the four pack they did with the Minutemen? Only with a couple of different card/stat options. Perhaps three new Alien sculpts and one of their Drone things.)

I had about an hour worth of time the last two nights, so I’ve been working on assembling my Brotherhood of Steel.

I had a little trouble with the models with two part arm arrangements (One of the Lancer styles was a real pain.) And I had one Scribe who’s gun was broken and I needed to fix that which took a bit of time but wasn’t a particularly difficult fix.

Now, the other day I mentioned that I treat assembly as almost a production like arrangement. I took a couple of WIP pictures to show kind of what I meant.

So, last night I built the Heroes, Paladans, Knights, and Knight Patrol models.

Then tonight I finished up the Brotherhood of Steel models with the Field Scribes and Lancers (Ironically, even though there were only about half as many models tonight, tonight’s lot took longer to assemble.)

Here’s everything in one image for the Brotherhood of Steel stuff:

How things stand right now, I need to build some Mutant Hounds to finish up the Super Mutant stuff, build some Settlers for the Survivors, I have a few “Raiders” to build, then once that’s done, I just have to wait on the missing models I’m waiting on support for. (Missing Ferals and Radroaches, plus a couple of damaged models.)

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Thought I’d take a moment to show what I’d been working on today. Not pictured is the Mutant Hounds that I finished up, this is just terrain.

Kind of killing two birds with one stone for this first set of images. I wanted to show the Red Rocket and the Dinogas together just to show their sizes. They’re actually very comparable . The Red Rocket has a slightly bigger footprint on the table but the main building as well as the area for a car underneath the canopy are very similar, it’s just the arms for the rocket that makes the RR larger. Also, the Dinogas is a bit taller.


Put together the last of my current models this evening. (Hopefully going to get replacements for some missing Ghouls from my orders still, and got a couple of models from White Tree and elsewhere that are still coming.) Today included the raiders pictured below, the last few “Survivors” the Mutant Hounds, assembly of the Red Rocket. Assembly of some terrain, and a modification to one of my Nuka Cola machines (Actually posted that as it’s own thread to show people what I did.)

This is what I currently have as a kind of proxy Raiders faction. I’ve yet to put together anything for stats with them. The three flamethrower models are obviously going to be used as Forged Raiders. The rest are an assortment of melee and gun wielding models from Brother Vinni, Anvil 8, and Dust Tactics.

I’ll try to get some better pictures once I drag them out again. I didn’t realize this one looked so poor until I went to post it right now.

With everything built, I plan to clear my table some time in the coming days and lay everything out together. That way I can get a snap of everything in one place.

My next priority is to read the rules, play a couple of games to get a feel for it, then convince myself to actually start painting some minis, . . . I also started trying to figure out how to price custom minis a couple of weeks back and I need to get back to that (I THINK I know what I was doing wrong, but until I figure out some point values and actually run some models through the formula to see how the prices work out, I won’t know for sure.)


I think the Eyebot stand is too tall so I cut it down by 1/3 and used the extra piece to replace the solid Mr Handy stand.


That’s something I considered doing, but wasn’t ambitious enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I used an old gw flight stand I had spare it fit fine and was a more reasonable height.

Looking at this thread, makes me realized just how little time I’ve had for hobbies this last month. I’ve got a base coat of paint on about half of my super mutants, but that still leaves me a long way from having something worth showing off. :weary: I’ll need to do something about that.

No pictures at the moment, but updates on a few things:

First, received my replacement miniatures for the ones that were damaged in the original shipment as well as my missing ghouls and such. Got those in today and am building them right now. Pretty happy about that.

Second, It seems that Wizkids is doing regular miniatures, largely stuff compatible with D&D and Pathfinder. That puts terrain style miniatures into the right size range. I picked up the “Archivist Library” “Desk & Chair” “2 Wheel Cart” and “Stocks” the other day. They look awesome. I’ll see about getting some pictures when I get a chance.

Now, on to a couple of other things, kind of hits and misses if you will. I had picked up a batch of the unpainted 0 Gauge people and they proved to be a little smaller than I would have liked. The “Adult” size was more of a child size. I’m still planning to use them as mannequins, but they’re going to be noticeably small. The other thing was a batch of flamingos I picked up what looked like they were going to be pretty close, but unfortunately they turned out to be quite a bit larger than I had hoped. Like with the Wizkids stuff, I’ll try to get images of everything when I get around to taking pictures again.

Found some other miniatures that are a good fit as well. one for a Bloated One, and a couple for use as Raiders.

In the meantime, just waiting on my Scenic starter bundles, then I’ll have everything from the first wave


Great news. I see that people are starting to get their dice replacements as well. Things are coming along nicely.

Now if I can just get the rest of my scenery, then I’ll have everything I ordered for wave 1!

Today was a really good day. I had the privilege of meeting another wastander, robhistory for lunch today and we had opportunity to talk about this game for a bit. The two of us met through the “Finding each other out in the wasteland” thread here on these forums.

Needless to say, I’m about twice as excited about getting to play the game now. :smiley:

We both came bearing gifts, and I thought it only fitting that I share a few pictures with everyone. With four starters of my own, I brought some of my extra tokens and maps for them, and they have a 3D printer that they made a few items with and was kind enough to share some stuff with me.

This first image shows some of the Vault Tec crates. The ones on the left are the official ones, while the ones on theright are the 3D printed ones. At the bottom is an objective marker they brought, I placed a Power Armor model next to it to show scale.

I placed a Nuka Cola machine in this image to show scale. Everything else was 3D printed. I might have geeked out just a little bit when I saw all these goodies, . . . . Can’t wait to see them on the table during play.

Not sure if I had shared this with everyone or not, but I figured it was worth posting again if I did. I’ve mentioned O Gauge model train stuff quite often, and while for the most part that stuff works great, the people can be kind of small. I picked up a bundle of unpainted 0 Gauge people in the hopes of doing up some mannequin models for terrain. As you can see from the image, they are a bit small. I’m still going to use them how I originally intended, but I figured it was worth pointing out that they come off a little small.

A little while back I mentioned that Wizkids was making some terrain. While all of this is technically fantasy themed content, it works well for Fallout as well. The Library set in particular I was pretty excited about (Actually want to find another set or two of that one) but the desk, pillory, and cart are all great pieces as well.

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All of these scale really well for Fallout.

Had picked up the Ecto 1 a while back because it scaled well to the Fallout stuff. I’ll likely try my hand at creating a custom scenario built around the piece. It is about perfect size for the game:

I’m of mixed feelings on this next bit. On the one hand the pieces are beautiful. On the other, I had a really bad experience with the vendor. I placed an order for the objective markers pictured below through an ebay seller I do business with regularly. I also tried to purchase some other items directly through the vendor which didn’t go well. The short version is that I had to file a complaint through Paypal related to the vendor and I got my money back. On the one hand, I really like some of their models and would love to add them to my collection, on the other I am hesitant to do business with the company after my first direct experience with them. Nuka Cola machine in image to show scale. If anyone is interested in their models (They’ve got a really nice “Wastelanders” miniature range.) then I’d recommend going through someone like NobleKnightGames on ebay instead of the people that make the game.

I’m sure I have a couple of other new things I’ve failed to picture, but I’ll get around to it eventually. Hope you all enjoy the new pictures!


With five Corvega Sedans, I’ve been toying with some ideas for how best to paint them up.

One of them I want to paint up pristine, make it look brand new. I’m going to do that one in red. I’m actually looking for some tires that will fit the model so it looks like you can drive it right off the show room floor. I don’t expect to be playing with this one often, but I’ll be sure to work into one or two scenarios.

Second one will be the aged variant of the first. Faded paint, rust, all that fun stuff.

Third one will be the light green version, properly aged to fit the wasteland.

Fourth one I’m still on the fence about. I’m leaning toward doing a black version, but I may just do one that is rusted out so badly it’s difficult to tell for sure.

The final one I’ve been struggling to decide what I wanted to do with it. I decided to browse the internet a bit to see what kind of fan art I could find, and I was not disappointed. I’d only had to look through a few images before I knew exactly what I would be doing with my final vehicle. I wanted to do a police vehicle anyway, and this was just perfect. I need to find something for the light on top of the car, and some form of spotlight for the front fender, but I think it’s going to be a pretty easy conversion, and the parts I will need shouldn’t be too hard to find.

Anyone have any ideas where I can find some tires that might fit the vehicles?

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Primed up all my Corvega Sedans last night and decided to start painting the first two today.

I started by priming them brown, then since I want to do a black one and a police vehicle, I moved on to the black. The black car, I put a solid black base coat on. The police car, I painted the parts that will be black that color, but left the rest of it alone. I intend to use the image in my previous post as a template for the paint job.

White didn’t go on really well for the police car, so I’ll be making a second coat. Brush also had a stray bristle that gave me a little trouble, but nothing a quick touch up won’t solve.

Next up, I’ll be doing some touch up work on the white. After that’s dried, then it’s time to do the chrome, followed by a gloss black for the windows in an effort to give them a bit of a reflective quality. Then any touch up I need to do to make sure all the colors are where they actually belong (That stray bristle I mentioned above resulted in a bit of white in the wrong places.) After all of that, it’s time for a little brown for rust in a couple of places and a wash to finish dirtying things up a bit.

And on a side note, that Ecto 1 from above, I’m going to look for a second one of that model and try to paint it up as a hearse. The one I have right now, it looks like most of the lights and such can come off easily, so if that’s the case then it’s just a case of a black paint joband some minor detail work.


Got a second coat of white on the police car, then went through and added the trim to everything.

Where I stand right now on them:

Police car:
-Need to drybrush a bit of silver around the windows for some chrome.
-Need to get the black back out and touch up a bit of the white that ended up where it didn’t belong. Also a bit of silver could use some cleanup.
-Want to paint a gold star on the doors.
-Paint headlights and tail lights.
-Add a bit of rust.
-Need to find and apply a light on the roof.
-Apply gloss black to the windows to add a bit of shine for windows.
-Apply 200 years worth of neglect.

Black car:
-Need to do a bit of cleanup from the chrome.
-Headlights and tail lights need painting.
-Apply gloss black to the windows to add a bit of shine for windows.
-Add a bit of rust.
-Apply 200 years worth of neglect.

Basically this means the easy part is done and now I get to start doing detail work. :cold_sweat:

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Not sure how much I’m going to get done today (Kids are actually behaving for once, and I don’t have work to worry about.) but thought I’d share the next one I started while the others dry.

The other three cars, I want to do one “New” red car, one wasteland red, and one of those lime green ones.

For the green one, I’m using this as a template:

Closest colors I have for that is pictured are one called “Meadow Green” from Apple Barrel, then I’m going to use Ivory for the off white in the ring.

Base coat:

I think I’m going to need a second coat on the model to make it look good, then I’ll be moving on to windows, the ivory side panels, and some chrome for the detail work.