Models from the Mothership

Starting a thread to post pictures of completed models. Hope I can provide some motivation or inspiration to others to get more models painted and on the tabletop. Any feedback is appreciated, critiques on areas I can improve as well! Enjoy!

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Set of Enclave Hellfire Troopers

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Glowing ghouls (1 month into Painting)

Glowing ghouls (1 year into Painting) - not perfect but I feel it has meaningful improvements

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Set of Robobrains - Hard to get that suspended in gel look from the games. Tough to paint but I was fairly pleased with the brains.


Ordered a bunch of scatter terrain from etsy and it came with this soda machine. I figured it was a great opportunity to get creative and came up with this Quantum paintjob. Each button is designed to represent a different Nuka variant. Eyebot flying by (with a custom Pennsylvania plate).

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God save the queen or maybe that unfortunate ranger


I still can’t get over how well you captured the “brain in a jar” effect on these. I can see generally how you did it but, any chance on a tutorial?



Sorry for the long overdue reply I haven’t been on the forums in awhile. Happy to share the technique I used! First I primed grey and then painted the dome with army painter jungle green to lay the background out. After that I used army painter barbarian flesh for the two hemispheres of the brain and a mix of barbarian flesh with a small amount of army painter pure red for the lines in the brain. Just enough red to make it darker than the barbarian flesh not too much. The key to the brain in a jar effect on this one is Testors Yellow Flourescent Enamel Paint. After I had the brain painted I slowly put layer after layer of the Testors enamel on top. You want to think of it as almost like a clear coat or wash so thin thin thin. Super thin layers and after 6-10 coats it will start to look like it is floating in there :grin: I think these were around 10 coats maybe more. I can’t emphasize enough those coats need to be thin and dry between each coat. Slow and steady is the name of the game on this one. Lastly the enamel paint will ruin the brush you use so use a junky one, best of luck! Hope it works out well for you!

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