Dune Product Wishlist

Late to the party here, but an era source book for Butlerian Jihad is the one I’d be most interested in. All-out war against the dirty, vile thinking machines :+1:


Dune plastic Miniatures, ships and vehicles so the GMs could build real tabletop immersion.


I agree. Adventures are what I need the most, now that I have the core book.


I’ve made fillable PDF versions of all the official Character and House sheets (and while I couldn’t use the official game’s main text font due to licensing restrictions, I selected Garamond as being a close - and thematic - match).

Any objection if I pop them up on MediaFire and share the links here?

Would love to have Era/House/Minis! But plan on getting everything!

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We really do need a Landsrad book. Or a book dealing with all the organization and functions of the Imperium before the Arrakis Affair brings it to a crashing halt.


Well this will answer some questions about the coming products.

*House books (Internal management and External relations)
*Other planets and Houses - might cover the Landsraad?
*The Imperial Court
*The Spacing Guild
*Plans for Era support (both Butlerian and Scattering)


Also more details on Agents of Dune (Formerly Heirs of Dune)
Sounds very similar to the Star Trek starter set with pregens and a simplified rule book that introduces aspects as you work though the linked scenarios.
You will be creating your own House and taking the governorship of Arrakis from the Atreides. Not sure on this part as I was under the impression that this was a “what if” you were taking over instead of the Atreides. Might just be how the phrasing is though so could go either way.

Very excited to read that post. Modiphius is going to receive a lot of my money of the next few years!

In addition to other suggestions, I think it would be great to expand upon the various schools of the Dune universe.

I’d also really like the errata for the rule books printed onto to stickers to let us amend our copies. Id rather not have printouts cluttering up my books and what not.

Do you think you guys would be able to release an intended roadmap of products? Caveats clearly appreciated, but I would love to have something to whet my appetite!

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Sadly we can only be vague about what is on the way as there is so much that can go wrong from concept to publication. We’ve agreed a few things in concept but they may not work when we get to look at that concept in more detail, so we can’t promise anything not in full production.
But we have a healthy list to keep up going for a year or two and I do keep an eye on this thread even though I can’t say yes or no. :slight_smile:


What a terrific idea. A sticker of the corrected page that you can place over the erroneous page would be incredible…I wonder how feasible that would be.

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I’d like to see some long multi chapter campaign scenarios, think like the early Call of Cthulhu books ala Fungi from Yogoth / Shadows of Yog Sogoth, with each chapter set on a different world to hardwired in the sci-fi elements of Dune. IMO these big classics adventures defined and established the genre, and without which I suspect Dune will become another dusty book on my shelf.

I’m less into world books based on the fiction, as tbh I can always re-read the fiction, and use the original source as the sourcebooj. It’s not like Dune is rules heavy, so having a prestige class t=for a pre-Butlerian proto Mentat doesn’t really help.

With a coupld of great campaigns published, then I think one will continue to build the fan base, and of course the stories of how we all died horrible i chapter #4, but managed to successfully complete the set with new characters - stories we’ll tell our friends and at conventions.

Finally I’d suggest 3-4 styles, so one investigative, one combar / battle, one political, one quest themes campaign - to appeal to different styles of play…


Andy - I completely understand. I’m just super keen and was hoping for a little hint :slightly_smiling_face:. Looking forward to seeing what you’ve got!

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I love this idea!

A similar idea, and maybe even more suited to the universe and the style of play the corebook is shooting for, would be a Dune equivalent of The Great Pendragon Campaign or the Darkening of Mirkwood campaign book from The One Ring. A somewhat variable origin for the party (less so for Pendragon, more for Mirkwood), and a chronicle of years with the major in-universe events of that year that the players can/should be impacted by, and suggested adventures or adventure seeds for that year.

With the House creation system, the game could definitely lend itself to generational play, too.


It is feasible, it already has been done in France with Deadlands :smiley:

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Would definitely like to see an adventure that gives the players some ‘architect’ style options, like a band if troops or some spies to use as an option


Non-Arrakis-based adventures. Ships, shipping, pirates, other planets, maybe including planet creation and how they fit into the Empire, and sourcebooks for other eras.

  • The Bene Gesserit Sourcebook
  • A good map of Arrakis.
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I’d love to see something (this wouldn’t be a whole book, just a PDF) that lays out all the major factions and summarizes what each of them think about all the others, how they view their intentions, and what they believe/know about their capabilities.

Kind of like all the old World of Darkness books did, listing out what each Vampire clan thought of every other one, etc.