Alaiteir's painted minis

Found out that Modiphius are doing a painting contest on twitter, thought I’d take a few pictures to enter and then post them here as well for you guys :slight_smile:


Good luck!!

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Brilliant work
Love the scenic settings

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Thanks both! :smiley:

Fantastic, really loving these scenic shots you’ve been doing recently :+1:

Good luck!

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I’m enjoying doing it, so I’m glad people seem to like it!

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Holy cow! These are superb!

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Thanks! :smiley:

Finished sculpting the helmeted cage armour!

Not the best picture, but hopefully it shows off the bulk of the details. Looking forward to painting it! :slight_smile:


Darn, that looks so awesome! This is also one of the coolest armors in the game imho.

Are you going to use him as a raider vet without power armor? He looks super tough.

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Thanks! And yep that’s the plan :slight_smile: I haven’t painted up the power armour yet, but I wanted to save it and the named characters for “high level” style encounters. This meant I’d need someone to be a raider leader in smaller scale fights, someone who wasn’t power armour wearing but still visibly a step above the regular raiders. This guy is what I came up with :slight_smile:

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That’s fantastic! :smiley:

Definitely looks like a veteran to me!

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Thanks :smiley:

It’s taken more than a month, but I’ve finally finished the raider! Unfortunately I’m still relying on my old phone for pictures at the moment, so can’t take super high quality pics, but hopefully they’re not too bad :slight_smile:

In case anyone’s interested, the main body of sculpting was done using ordinary greenstuff, with the two tools in the picture below. For the base, I made a cast of Ack Ack’s base with bluestuff and acrylic resin, then added a tyre from GSW’s tyre moulds and a few leaves for decoration. The assault rifle is just taken from the raider power armour :slight_smile:


That is looking brilliant! :slight_smile:


The colors really bring out the details of your sculpt! Excellent work! I can’t complain about the quality of the photos.

Congrats of finishing the faction. Any plans on what you’re doing next?

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Thanks both! :slight_smile:

@Banquo I’ve still got a couple more minis on the faction to go (the named characters and the veteran in power armour), but I think I’m going to save those for later. In terms of what I might do next, I’m leaning towards something terrain based. I really like the two ruins that I’ve made so far, but there’s still a lot of empty space on the tabletop, and this is a game where terrain really plays a big role I think. Not sure if I just want to try and churn out a load of scatter terrain or work on something larger scale though.

I have been toying with the idea of trying to do a ruined office for a while, something with a more detailed and interesting interior. I’ll need to go over what resources I currently have before deciding :slight_smile:


Look forward to seeing it!

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A few more pics of some previously done models, plus the newly finished Mysterious Stranger!

With his coat being such a large flat surface, I was worried that the model could easily look bland or uninteresting. I therefore spent a lot of time trying to make sure the skin highlights were well done (especially the knuckles and backs of the hands, as shown in the first of his pictures), and also tried to use a series of layers to build up shading and lighting on the coat itself (hence the bottom of the coat is darker than the chest and shoulder areas). As a final detail, I added some leaves to the gutter on the base, as I felt they would fit nicely :slight_smile:

I’ve also drawn up some plans for the terrain piece that’ll be my next major Fallout related project. As it stands, it’ll be a 20cm by 30cm building, three stories tall, with a removable roof that allows the top floor to be playable. The bottom floors will be inaccessible, to save having to figure out a way to remove floor sections that doesn’t leave obvious gaps in the brickwork on the outside, and the top floor will be reached by a fire escape on the side (with an additional blown out wall section giving the option of adding scrap bridges that connect to other buildings). In terms of the basic structure, I can make that out of the spare 5mm foamboard and foamed pvc sheets I have leftover, the same basic technique from my last building. Windows will be made from plasticard sheet, again same as with my previous building, but to a higher level of detail (and possibly some glass made out of clear plastic).

For interior details, the floor will be wood panel (same as the wooden barricade terrain pieces I’ve made), as that’s quick and easy to do while still looking thematic. An interior wall for a managers section will be made from 5mm foamed pvc. I’ll try to make some basic desks using 2mm plasticard and metal wire, to give it a proper workplace feel.

To avoid the bland white walls of my previous build, I want to have a go at making this wooden panelling

I’m thinking I can try to carve the design into foamed pvc, and use strips of plasticard for the baseboard. I’m wondering if an old toothbrush would work for inscribing a woodgrain pattern into it as well?

This project would obviously be a long term one, as my last piece was, but I think it’s doable. The main issue I have at the moment is the external brickwork. Last time I used embossed styrene sheets, and would like to do so again with this project. I don’t have enough left over for a project of this size though, and I don’t have any money to spare for new materials at the present time. If anyone knows a cheaper way to do large amounts of 3D brick patterns (other than hand scribing them, doing that once was enough for me!) then I’d love to hear it, but otherwise for now I’m probably going to hold off on the project until I can do it properly.

I’ll try to keep updating with other smaller things until then though!


The mysterious stranger is looking good! Really smooth shading on the coat :slight_smile:

I don’t think an old toothbrush would be stiff enough for scribing foamed PVC or plasticard - I’ve used a wire brush or a razor saw to do it before and that works. I think I got my wire brush as a set from Wilkos and it was no more than a couple of quid.

For the brickwork you can use a texture roller on foamcore if you remove the paper cover - it’s not the cheapest option but it is reusable.
I don’t know if this would work on foamed PVC though. I do have one and some scrap PVC - I can give it a go when I get home and let you know how it works if you like?

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