I think the largest of the moulds is probably a bit deeper than 1/16 inch so I may haev a problem. We’ll see what happens when I have a play. The worst case is I have to take the mould out into the sunlight and leave it there for 30-40 minutes (the cloudy day number on the GSW website). That’s hardly a huge drawback
Until now my painting has focussed on minis for different factions on the tabletop, for the sake of being able to play with the AI or try and showcase the game to someone who might be interested. With the Mysterious Stranger coming in the raiders wave though, I’ve got enough ‘special character’ minis for them to essentially be their own small faction, and so have started to get around to painting them as well. First up, Nuka Girl!
I spent a while trying to paint a reflective/shiny effect on her boots and gloves, which I think has come out quite well! Balancing the the brightness of the whites and reds on her clothing was also a fun challenge. I’ve not got much experience painting white outfits before, and normally I lean towards fairly dulled down/weathered colour schemes, but I’m quite pleased with how this one has come out. When painting the base, I decided to use a brown wash to dull down the white of the fallen signpost, so it didn’t distract or draw the eye away from the main miniature.
As ever, the detail on the resin was brilliant, and this particular mini has such an expressive face compared to many others. I’m really pleased with the confident smile and left eye half squinting as she aims her pistol.
After the bombs fell, the poor actress had to find new ways to keep back the hordes of obsessive fans…
She’s really looking fantastic!
Looks really good. I love it.
A quick update for the mini I’ve been sculpting, I’ve managed to cut away a weapon for them to wield!
I considered trying to sculpt one of these from scratch, but it’d be incredibly time consuming to try and get all the tiny details and proportions (particularly hand sculpting the cylindrical barrel) to a standard I’d be happy with. I could have chosen a less powerful/intimidating weapon of course, but I want the figure I’m doing to look powerful and imposing, and I felt this fit the bill perfectly. Of course it means I’ll have to think of something else to do for the raider power armour though!
A quick test fit on the mini didn’t seem to fit too well, until I realised that the stock was quite elongated (which makes sense given it’s supposed to be wielded by someone in power armour!), so I’ll probably shorten it. The slight nick in the ammo mag is as it arrived, but shouldn’t be difficult to correct with putty. Otherwise I’m very happy with it and shouldn’t need to do any major modifications
As for the figure itself, progress has been good and I’m hoping it should be done over the next few days!
Look forward to seeing it!
More power armour!
While sculpting, in order to avoid mistakes (like accidentally pressing my thumb into that detailed part I just spent ages sculpting) I’ll tend to work in short bursts, doing one thing at a time and allowing the greenstuff to cure in between. This means that in a given day I might only complete one small detail, but it allows the finished sculpt to be done to a higher standard. So I worked on the last two BoS minis I had to paint in between curing times
These are the same sculpt, so I tried to repose one and change up the base on the other in order to give a bit of variety to them. Re-positioning the arm and re-sculpting part of the hand (accidentally took one of his fingers off when removing it from the gun) wasn’t as difficult as I thought it might be, mostly just took a bit of time and patience.
In terms of colour scheme, the metal is essentially GW’s Leadbelcher (a dark metallic colour) with a heavily thinned blue wash (Asurmen blue) and then a darker black wash (Nuln oil), followed by careful edge highlights on some of the more prominent features. This can lead to a very greyed out mini, so I try to use brighter colours on all the piping and hip joints, back canisters, rank markings, etc. I deliberately avoid painting a glowing look to the helmet eyes though, as I want them to have a dull/dead/cold look to them.
While most of the metal I paint on Fallout minis is heavily rusted, I decided not to paint any rust on my BoS power armour. Partly this is to reflect the idea of being deployed on short missions via Vertibird separated by returns to a functioning base/facility, but it’s also because I want them to look like a powerful force (and what says power in a wasteland better than having so many resources that all your equipment is well maintained?). That said, I’m hoping to save up and get Paladin Danse eventually, and I may make his armour more weathered/beaten to reflect the length of his recon mission.
That’s all my BoS minis painted, leaving just a few raiders and the special characters to go before I’ll have finished all the ones I own. A final pic of my full BoS force
Those are looking fantastic! The armour looks well maintained but not shiny, like they have the time and facilities to keep it rust free but too much to do to keep it polished. Really nicely done
That’s exactly the sort of effect I was going for, glad it comes across that way!
To go along with the BoS minis posted yesterday, an update of what I’ve been sculpting!
Unfortunately some real life things mean I’m not going to be able to do any sculpting or painting for the next couple of weeks, so I thought I’d post a pic even though it’s not finished. Still got to work on the hood, shoulder/neck plating, arms, and other assorted details, but hopefully it’s at a stage where people can tell what it’s supposed to be; a raider veteran in cage armour!
Obviously it’s still got a fair way to go, but hopefully it’s still interesting for people to see it so far I used a 32mm scale metal armature from GSW for the proportions, then sculpted the figure on top with greenstuff. I know some purists argue that sculpting doesn’t count unless you also sculpt the armatures, but I’ve sculpted enough armatures to prove to myself that I can do it and all it does is take up time that I’d rather use to be doing the details. In terms of why I chose this mini to do, I wanted a leader for my raiders when doing lower level style encounters. Someone who was still clearly an intimidating mini-boss, but who wasn’t quite up to the level of being a named character or having the resources to piece together a suit of power armour.
Well, that’s looking rather awesome!
Purists can say what they want, I am very much not a sculpter and I say that counts as an amazing piece of work Look forward to seeing it completed!
Thankyou so much!
Holy… that’s amazing! I’d give up a kidney to have that kind of talent!
Thanks! At the risk of sounding cliché, it’s all down to practice and technique. My first few sculpting attempts were all blobby and not particularly great, but I stuck at it and managed to get to the level I’m at now
Won’t be able to post anything new before I get back to the flat at the weekend, but this thread is getting pretty long so I thought I’d repost some of my personal favourites from it so far
For the pictures that have a blue sky visible in the background, I used a printer at the local library to print off an image of the skyline from FO4 and then propped it up with paintpots, there’s no photoshop or anything involved. The brick building in the background of the first raiders image is simply the brick building I made placed behind the ruined building that the raiders are standing in.
I really enjoy trying to take pictures that make the viewer forget they’re just miniatures, if anyone has any tips for that I’d love to hear them, and as always I’m happy to answer questions if anyone has any
Looking good, as always!
Thanks I’ll make sure to take some new pictures when I get back, so I’ll have some images to post even if it takes a while to finish sculpting and painting the raider in cage armour
I love how you put your models in scene! It looks like screenshots from a stop-motion movie.
Keep up the good work! I’m very impressed!
I’m glad the effect works! It’s certainly fun trying to pose them and get camera angles that work well