Alaiteir's painted minis

For the brushes, I actually buy the “Value Brush Set” brushes from Hobby Lobby. They’re a LOT better than the cheap brushes you find at places like Wal*Mart, but while they don’t hold up quite as well as the big name brands, they do just as good a job. I’ve used both Citadel and Army Painter brushes in the past and I find them to be comparable.

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Yeah my choice of brush will be overkill for most people, there’s lots of others out there that’ll do a decent paint job for far less money :slight_smile:

For me personally though, I’ve found the detail work I do (ie, eyes, Nora’s pipboy, etc) is fine enough that it’s affected by things like brushes absorption capabilities and the way paint flows off it. At that point, having a brush made of sable hair (which has a good balance of absorption and flow) makes a difference compared to a synthetic hair brush (which has virtually no absorption and lets all the paint run straight off). That really isn’t something that most people need to worry about though :slight_smile:

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And that’s a good point about this hobby too: What’s right for one person isn’t always right for the next.

I’ve actually started slipping toward using cheap paints for the base coat then using higher quality paints.

As for the brushes themselves, I don’t really pay that much attention to the material they’re made of, but I’ve found that I like firmer brushes for detail work, and softer brushes for things like drybrushing.

The real trick in this hobby is to look at the advice given (And your advice above is good advice. I enjoyed your bit about Glazing and want to try what you detailed there.) keep it in mind, and play around with it to see what works best for you.

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Been wanting to try a technique I heard for making cardboard boxes, as I’m hoping to do a ruined office building for my next terrain project (first terrain piece was to learn basic techniques, second was to try applying them to large structures, and this third one I’m hoping will be about using small details to really give a theme to a building). Pretty pleased with how they’ve come out!

Dimensions are 1.5 x 1.5cm, and 2 x 2cm (I think that’s 19/32x19/32" and 53/64x53/64" for the Americans), so they’re perhaps a little on the large side for most cardboard boxes but not unbelievably so. They’re just cereal card from a flatmate’s packet that’s been cut, glued, painted, and weathered, I can post a quick guide if anyone’s interested :slight_smile:


Nice! Those look as if they’ve spent 200 years soaking in rain and rads :+1: :slight_smile:

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Thanks :smiley:

apparently if you just use a bit of Agrax on them it works well

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In this case the outer layer of the cereal packet could still be seen when you looked into them, so I decided to paint them with a layer of XV88, but then I did indeed use Agrax Earthshade on them :slight_smile:

Have you tried the same for the Printable Mr Handy boxes on the FWW Facebook downloads section?

I haven’t no, I’ll have to have a look!

Life circumstances mean I won’t be able to afford any more miniatures stuff for the foreseeable future, so most of my planned projects have been put on hold, but I’ve still got materials for a few things (and a couple of minis I hadn’t yet painted anyway). Incidentally, I’ve had to move flat once more and have found myself living in England again (specifically Manchester) if anyone happens to be in the area?

First project will be a mini I’m hoping to sculpt from scratch. The spare bases I had laying around weren’t quite the right size, so I used some of Green Stuff World’s ‘blue stuff’ (a simple reusable material for making moulds with) to make a copy of one of the official bases.

Mould is on the left, cast is in the middle, original is on the right. I accidentally took a nick out of the side of the cast with a hobby knife, but otherwise it seems to be a pretty good replica. All of the detail’s there and is generally quite sharp/visible, if a bit hard to see in the unpainted white resin. And most importantly, it’s the right size for F:WW!

A while back I also picked up one of GSW’s silicone moulds, in this case their one for making tyres and wheels. Since I was already mixing up some resin for the base I thought I’d give it a try as well.

I threw a quick black wash onto one of the tyres to try and show the detail on the treads. I’m really happy with the quality of it, and it seems to scale well with Fallout, so I may have to pick up some of their other moulds to try when I’ve got some money again!


Damn, I’ve just placed an order with GSW and never thought about getting the tire mould. That’s added to the list for next time!
Looking forward to seeing what you do with your sculpting :slight_smile:

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If you’re in the Manchester area, try FanBoy3 - they have a huge store in the city centre that I know stocks Fallout, and has a large gaming hall on the ground floor. If anyone in the area plays the game, that’s where you’re likely to find them. :slight_smile:

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They’ve got such a good range of tools and things on their website, I’ve found myself just browsing at times to get ideas! Especially since so many of their products have videos showing examples of how they could be used

Thanks for the tip! I’m still getting my bearings with the area and trying to find where model stores are, so I’ll have to check it out :slight_smile:

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They are a great site to browse on! I already have one of their rivet moulds and I’ve just picked up some UV resin and a wax pencil. I’m hoping that the resin works well with the mould and I can use the pencil to actually move some of the tiny ones :slight_smile:

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We use UV resin allot at work. Make sure to wear eye protection or have one of those uv shields between you and your light.

Also light application of isopropyl alcohol keeps the resin from adhering to an area if your masking an area off.

Its real fun to work with have fun!

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It’s a little UV torch, so my sunglasses should be fine for protection - they are prescription with good UVA/B protection :+1:

Thanks for letting me know about IPA masking though, that’s probably going to be really useful :smiley:

I’ve been tempted by their rivet mould in the past, but wasn’t sure if it was in the right scale for this game. If you ever make use of it I’d love to see some pictures comparing some of them to Fallout minis!

I’ve struggled getting them to work with green stuff, I’m hoping that the resin will work better as a liquid!
Each of the rivets and screws come in five different sizes and the smallest are tiny, so at least one will probably be in scale for whatever you need it for. I’ll be having a play around with the resin on the weekend so I’ll grab some photos :+1:

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UV light for the photo Resin only penetrates 1/16 inch at best from a flash light. Could make it hard to use in a mold. You say its tiny though so hopefully it will work out. Fingers crossed!