I like the bronze effect on the combat armour. Just for the bank, is that something like a seraphim sepia glaze over a metallic base?
Close, it’s a slightly watered down agrax earthshade over a layer of ironbreaker
Re: Model of Prydwyn: Long, long ago I had an inflatable toy blimp that I picked up as a kid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin (EAA International Fly-Inn), but it’s among the various things that disappeared somewhere along the way. Maybe that would be the more “practical” solution to having a model Prydwyn: having a big inflatable balloon with textures printed on the side, that you can deflate and roll up for storage? (I mean, not that I have the slightest idea how to go about making something like that as a hobbyist. I’ve seen various inflatable blimp toys, but they usually have big cartoony ailerons and rudders and have a resulting shape more akin to a mini-nuke than the Prydwyn.)
That’s certainly an interesting idea! Unfortunately I’ve got no idea how to go about making something like that either, most of my skills are plasticard or epoxy based (hence things like the scratch built heli-carrier), but there may be tutorials online somewhere?
In all honesty though I think it’s probably just best to wait until I’m able to afford somewhere where the dimensions aren’t measured in single digits Even if life plans currently mean that’ll be a few more years yet, I’ll have to keep it as something at the back of my mind
Of course, should you happen to give it a go yourself, remember to post pictures!
3 more minis painted, this time two settlers and the enslaved tech!
The settlers are resin, but the enslaved tech is pvc, on account of my temporary misplacement of the resin ones left arm… Still, hopefully I’ve managed to paint the muscle definition and so on well enough to make up for it.
Painting faces is something I’ve always struggled with, but I’ve been working on it and I’m quite pleased with how these ones came out. Trying to get the eyes and lips right, without messing up the highlighting on his cheekbones, was certainly a challenge!
Over the shoulder view of his stimpack:
The scavenger, searching through the ruins for anything that may have been left behind:
These are each of the four forces I have, as they currently are. Still not sure which ones I’d like to try and expand on more first, though I’m tempted to save up and get the minutemen set. I’m still wanting to try and make some more terrain before that though, so maybe the raiders will be out by then and I’ll end up picking up a set of them instead!
Also, a couple of dramatic shots of the Sole Survivor and two of her companions:
And just in case you’re not fed up of me yet, here’s my favourite power armour picture:
Those are looking great!
Thanks! I’m certainly not a fast painter, but I like to think I can get quite a good standard on them
I’d say so!
Inspired by Info’s Wasteland Wanderings, I decided to have a go at using some coffee stirrers to make some kind of wooden structure. Starting out small, I made a section of a barricade/wall to go with the one I’d previously made out of plasticard:
Quite pleased with how it’s come out!
That’s looking great!
Very nice. I actually started to make some wooden walk ways the other day. I hit them with a brown wash followed by a black wash. Not happy with how the colors turned out on mine. Yours looks great.
I use citadel paints on them, starting with an undercoat of Abaddon black, then a layer of mixed XV-88 and Dawnstone (a fairly pale brown and a mid grey, with the ratios adjusted until I was happy with the colour). I then gave a black wash to bring out the details, with a few dabs of watered down brown wash here and there
To try and give a bit of variety, some planks were then drybrushed with a lighter version of the original mix, and one plank was drybrushed with white to give it the appearance of having been taken from something else
I think my problem was that I started with a brown wash then followed that with a black wash. I should have gone the other way around.
Yeah that could be worth a try!
Loving the barricade. I might be4 copying you, I just took delivery of a 1000 coffee stirrers. Either that or I’ll be drinking a lot of coffee.
I particularly like the colour you have used on the wooden planks.
Thanks! I was struggling to get a colour that felt right for wooden planks on my previous models, but I’m really happy with how it came out this time.
Sharing ideas and techniques is one of the best things about forums like this, I’d love to see what you turn those coffee stirrers into!
Matchsticks probably.
Based around a few formal models/structures, my plan is to join it all together is a sort of scratch build shanty-town. We’ll see.
That should be cool, a town built upon the ruins of one that went before it