What city will you use for your game

I reused the old Chicago setting and even used the old Chicago chronicle with some tweaks to system.


I am currently running a New York By Night game myself, exploring an empty city left in some places abandoned by vampire kind. I’ve left some of the old WoD Eldritch sewer horror stuff around for the players to deal with, a wild Sabbat pack of Sword of Caine style cult leaders from New Jersey mass embracing thinbloods, some abandoned chantries, etc.

The themes are very rooted in a “Princemaker” and rebuilding influence under the Camarilla banner.

I also have an Anarch game set in the same city and timeline across town, much more focused on a Blood Hunt declared on a specific Malkavian who fled the Anarchs and joined the Sabbat.

If I do another city, I want to tackle San Francisco, or Montreal!

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I got my hands on New York by Night so looks like this will be setting for our game

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It’s a wonderful book with some great ideas!


Been mulling it over… Is it worth it? Can you please let us kmow what did ya tweak, etc?


I decided to set my game in the fitional city of New Wessex in Connecticut. Cant wait for some of the setting books to come out.
My first ever VtM game I played in was set in Chicago, really want to give my players the chance to experience it :slight_smile:

I am running a game in my own home city of Adelaide, Australia. It is almost like a castle with a big green parkland around the entire city. That and its small size (the greater metro area is 1 million people) has made it easy to divide into domains.
Canon material has Adelaides prince destroyed by Kuei-jin in 1999, my game has my players coterie trying to reclaim the city after it has been black booked by the cities primogen, who are now in exile in the last remaining Camarilla city in Australia, Melbourne.
They are the second wave of kindred embraced by the primogen in exile to be sent to retake the city, the first coterie not having been heard from in over 5 years.
This Wednesday is session 3 and so far its going good.


This sounds like an amazing plot!

I thought about my own backyard of central Florida but then realized why would any self respecting vampire choose to live in the “Sun Shine State.” Miami or Fort Lauderdale maybe but ,much of the rest is not worth claiming territory… unless you’re a very desperate vampire.

I choose to use the classic setting books for the Chicago by Night. It took a little work and adjustments to get everything set to the new system and modifications to the npc’s to meet the systems limitation. But it worked well. My players were excited with each game and happy with the ending. Now they and I are chomping at th exit to get our hands on the new Chicago chronicle.


Though ironically I could see the younger vampires, like thin-bloods loving Florida for that same reason.

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A friend and I are working on a supplement for Louisville, Ky, which is where my new game will be.

I’ll be running my Chronicle set in the Metroplex of Dallas and Fort Worth. It’s a really unique setup for a city, with Dallas and Fort Worth being two major cities that live off their suburbs not unlike conjoined twins (hence being just called “The Metroplex”). In previous editions I had set up the idea that the Sabbat and Camarilla had long warred over the Metroplex, with the Camarilla having set up control after fighting off the Sabbat in Mexico. However, never to be outdone, in late 2015, the Sabbat made a major strike under cover of the worst tornado outbreak in Texas history, and managed to take the city of Fort Worth, killing the primogen council that had managed to wrestle control from the previous Prince. With them unable to eliminate the Prince of Dallas, however, a rising arms race and uneasy balance was in place between Dallas and Fort Worth.

With the routing of the Sabbat in v5, I’ve written in that the as the Prince of Dallas was salivating at the chance to finally have full control over the Metroplex, Anarchs flooding out of Southern California swept in and filled the power vacuum left by the retreat of the Sabbat, creating a uncomfortable balance once more - this time more of a “Cold War” than a shooting one.


I’m currently playing in a game set in Seattle, WA, but going to be running one of my own here soon (where going to alternate our games so we have the same player base and this way the Storyteller for the Seattle based game gets to play.) My game is going to be set in Vancouver BC and both games are going to be in a shared Universe so NPC’s from both could end up traveling from time to time to be shared.


My current campaign is set in the Kentucky/Ohio/West Virginia tri-state area.

This is an area that has access to big cities, and will undoubtedly be influenced by them, but not actually a part of any particular movement.

I can easily pull influence from Louisville/ Lexington/Indianapolis/Columbus/Charleston. So many options!!!


I’m using Naples, and the cities nearby.
This because I live here, so i mada my city by night, and I think it’s really cool to play this way.


I think I’ll be using Berlin first to introduce them to the new world of darkness (playing “The last night” story) and then we’ll move to London (to play “The fall of London”). Anyway, I discovered Vampire with Chicago and we will eventually be back there ^^

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So far I’ve run chronicles in:


I’d say Chicago’s been the most successful, but with all the new stuff for London I’m tempted to give that another go.


Currently looking at putting together a game set in St. Louis, other cities that might be interesting, is Hong Kong or maybe Pairs, the city of love, were better to set a dark vampire story at.


After the small preview in Cults of the Blood gods, St. Louis is looking interesting to me as well.

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I’m going to use Amsterdam for my future chronicle.