What city will you use for your game

I use Berlin
a compendium from old and new things about this city
a lot of props and characters

in portuguese


I am undecided between three or rather four cities: Seattle, Providence, New Orleans und Tangier. I am just not sure, if I could do Tangier correctly with the different culture. Otherwise that would be the city to go for. A Camarilla outpost in Ashirra lands where the Vermillion Wedding brings about change.

Currently using Gary Indiana with some Chicago by night elements. Personally I have always been a big fan of using whatever large local town you can.

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I currently run mage awakening set in Boston using the Boston Unveiled sourcebook but Vampire will use v5 not requiem and OWoD meta plot. My players will start in boston and location will shift to Chicago with the release of the sourcebook in development.

Austin or Chicago.

Finally settled on Seattle. I’ve been using that city for Revised, and most recently for a V20 chronicle. So updating the city to V5 is going to be fun.

I will be setting my game in Victorian London, more specifically starting in 1888, a group of neonates based in Soho.

I’ll have a few consistency issues using V5, but I’ll sort them out as they come up.

I should add: I asked for my players input about their inclinations Fledgeling/Neonate/Ancilla, 19th/20th/21st century, and finally L.A./Hong Kong/London.

I did go into more options, and used complete sentences, but that is a good summary. And as I stated above they were inclined towards a 19th century Neonate chronicle set in London.

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What inconsistencies do you think there are?

Little things, like the Tremere clan Bane/Weakness, and how it differs between the 19th century and tonight. I will be using V5, but setting my chronicle in Victorian Age Vampire, so if a player decides to play Tremere that becomes a inconsistency in the system I might have to resolve. Do I implement an alteration to their Bane more appropriate to the era or leave it as is?

I don’t find the problem particularly daunting, nor others I may have crossed paths with. Most of the time all I’ll need to do is clarify how our setting differs from V5 (If the Ministry make an appearance they will be Settites), or sometimes implement an alteration (as I may have to in the case of the Tremere).

In V20 the Tremere clan bane was that they required less blood to bond, and even earlier, they could be Dominated more easily by older Tremere. I would probably go for: a Tremere gets the severity of the bane as bonus dice to Dominate a Tremere of worse Generation and/or Blood Potency.

I was thinking of running an Edinburgh game, with characters that have fled London. I might wait until the London chronicle’s out though, so I can get more ideas of background.

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Yeah, I want to get my hands on the forthcoming The Fall of London V5 Chronicle to see what they have in mind, luckily with my game starting in the 19th century I have some time to prepare for it, if I decide to go that route.

Watch Trainspotting and Trainspotting 2 for Edinbugh inspiration.

Hah. Yeah. My parents used to live in Leith, so I’ve heard some pretty interesting stories.

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Ian Rankin’s Rebus series is also good - the Ken (Balin) Stott TV shows are/were also locally filmed! There’s also an older film called Restless Natives, if you look for it. The first Trainspotting was largely filmed in Glasgow, apart from the iconic chase sequence.

I think Filth is the most “Vampire” Edinburgh film I’ve seen. Based off another of the Irvine Welsh novels.

Living Nearby, I cannot stop thinking about Washington, DC.

I’d also look at Winchester VA, Roanoke VA, Richmond VA, and, of course nearby cities like Harrisonburg VA and Charlottesville VA.

I have some =very= strange ideas about my home city of Harrisonburg.


Like the dogfood smell after the rain isn’t necessarily from the Wampler/Longacre chicken and turkey processing? Spent 5 years in Harrisonburg at JMU. I know the smell well.

My players and I are witnessing the happenings in Vienna.
Mainly hiding from the inquisition, experience the push of the anarchs and looking into the remains of the tremere.