Star Trek Paper Miniature Maker browser app

another one…

My Suggestion for future Updates: Section 31 Uniform and the battle uniforms from DS9

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The tool freezes at some point of loading (roughly 60%), and reloading doesn’t help anymore
I have read this, maybe it could help…

Please help, I have 7 new support characters to add
Silly question, is a off-line version possible?

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I know you have made it with unity but have you thought about html5?

Hmm. For me it stopped at around 30% but reloading the page worked (In Chrome on Windows 10).

It has been quite a while since I did a build, though. I’ll try and find some time to do a build in the latest version of Unity.

Also I’ll try disabling the compression as per that link to see if it fixes the freezing issue (it’s been present pretty much since day one, sadly). The whole app is not that big so hopefully it won’t slow things down noticeably.

I’ve built it in Unity because that’s what I know. I’d love to try it in HTML 5 but only if it was a straight conversion. I just don’t have time to learn an entirely new language and system.

the day after my post my internet was broken. It was an internet problem on my side (hope the link was helpful ). Sorry for the false alarm.

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Hi folks, I got the okay from Wayne to post this. Modiphius is looking to develop token sets for virtual tabletops and for fan use, and the more we discuss it internally, the more our ideal looks something like Wayne’s mini maker. We’ve talked with Wayne and are looking for someone with programming skills and ability to work with us to develop a revised version. I’m entertaining serious inquiries only and won’t discuss particulars here.

If you have the time, skllls, and knowledge to want to work on this with us, email me direct at jim.johnson at and we’ll discuss with you and Wayne and the other folks at Modiphius (and eventually CBS) to determine what is possible. Thanks so much!


Has there been any development/movement with this idea, Jim?

I have sent my resume, still waiting for an answer (even a no sorry could be good)

Got lost in the shuffle of work. Hoping to circle back to it in Q1 22.

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Shuffle Galileo?

Whats the status of this awesome webapp? Are there any updates coming soon?

It’s been in a half updated status for over a year (meaning I’ve added about half of the new stuff I want to add to it for the next build). I’m afraid it’s low on the priority list at the moment, though.

really love to see space suits as an extra layer, but no rush

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Just some requests:

  • is it possible to have a downloadable version because my download speed is awful, and I would really like to have a local version
  • maybe a front only option to generate a character portrait only I use them in character sheets
  • a token option I do a lot of token with your app drawings but I have to export them

I was unable to load the app in Chrome
For what I have look into:
Changing the compression in Edit → Project Settings → Player → Publishing Settings to Disabled got it to work

Well, it has been quite some time but I’ve finally uploaded Build 2.4 and there are some big changes.

The main change is that the MINI MAKER HAS MOVED to
They provide a free service to upload Unity builds that can be run via a browser. The big plus here is that folks should no longer have that loading issue where it hangs and you have to refresh. Also the server side stuff that I don’t understand is all handled by so win-win!

The New home of the Miniature Maker is here and I will replace the version on my website with a link to the page. You may need to create an account to access the page but it’s free so it’s not a big ask.

Note that I have disabled donations on the page so that I cannot profit from the Trek IP. This is intended as a fair use fan art project and should only ever be used for non-commercial personal use.

Okay, this build was meant to be put up before Christmas but, as usual, I got distracted by shiny things. However with the release this week of the STA 2nd Edition Quickstart, I have been motivated to get it done. There were a few more things that I wanted to add to this build before I uploaded it but fearing that I’d get distracted again, I’ve shifted them to the to-do list for build 2.41.
I’m hoping, now that has simplified things, that I might do smaller and more frequent updates in future rather than waiting until I’ve added a ton of stuff first.

So what’s in this build?

Last summer I opened the project up for the first time in a while and felt that the code was horribly patchy, inelegant and frankly like a jury-rigged coolant manifold that O’Brien had been working on, so I ripped the whole lot out and rebuilt it almost from scratch. I hope that it’s a lot more efficient now and runs a little faster and smoother (not that it was noticeably slow before). I’ve tidied up the UI and aligned the menus a little more neatly. I’ve also tried to line up the hands and the arms a little more accurately on a number of uniforms too. So I hope the whole thing looks a lot neater now.

What new content?
Well, Lower Decks has been shifted from TNG to its own era sub menu now and the Strange New Worlds Era has similarly been moved from Discovery to its own sub menu.

I’ve added the Ferengi and Merp species and also the headscarf as seen in Lower Decks (although it’s useable in all eras and colours to match the uniform). This actually predated the headscarf on Lower Decks as it was originally inspired by a user on Twitter whose user handle I’ve sadly lost and so can’t inform her of its inclusion. It was meant to go in the last build but got put back.

I’ve added Mirror uniforms to the TOS era menu.
I’ve added the Strange New Worlds uniforms and props to the ones seen in Discovery.
I’ve added a Prodigy era menu with all the uniforms and props seen in that show.
I’ve added a Late Discovery era menu with the uniforms and ‘Shark’ phaser from the last few seasons of Discovery - including the grey ones only seen at the end of Season 2.




That’s a big deal. Congrats!


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