Star Trek Paper Miniature Maker browser app

Enthused by episode 1 of Lower Decks, I have finally updated the Mini maker to include Pike’s Enterprise uniforms from Discovery and the Lower Decks uniforms. I’ve added a couple of new hairstyles and some new funky hair colours too.
I’ll hopefully add the Picard uniforms in a few weeks and after that, Klingons.



Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!


Very nice - I can do some of the odder members of my crew now (including the one with the green mohawk). I might see if I can get this to work with the token tool software to make some online tokens!

One (simple I hope) request for your long-term development plans - skirt options for the regular Discovery era (as worn by Nahn) and the Movie-era (Uhura in Trek III).


Both of those skirt options are already in.


Or do you mean this? I hadn’t noticed it before.

Interestingly it’s her that wears the skirt uniform (over leggings) in the enterprise style too and appears to only be her. I wonder if it’s meant to be a cultural thing…

I missed the first - sorry!

That’s the one - and it’s a full dress rather than a jacket/skirt combination.

Una/Number One is briefly seen in the Enterprise version in one episode too - I don’t think it’s a cultural thing, more of a less popular option. I think it’s a less-problematic nod to the TOS minidress.

Very nice! Can’t wait to see some uniforms from Picard (flashbacks and current). :slight_smile:

The Star Trek Mini-Maker 2.39 is live.

In this update I’ve added Caitians to the species list. You’ll have to put up with humanoid legs but there’s nothing I can reasonably do about that, I’m afraid.

  • Lower Decks now has its own Era and I’ve also added the two different Picard uniforms.
  • The TNG movie era and Lower Decks now have era-specific props as does the Picard era.
  • You can now colour facial hair separately to hair - this is so that the Caitians can have different coloured muzzles to their manes.
  • I’ve added a load of new colour options to skin and hair as well.
  • I’ve juggled the menu order on the left a bit to make it a little more intuitive (to me anyway) and added a facial hair colour menu.
  • The Alice Band in the women’s hairstyles now exactly matches the colour of whatever uniform is worn.
  • Other than that I’ve done a lot of work under the ‘hood’ as it were. The code is made up of layer upon layer of cludge fixes that’s built up over the versions and some of it was in dire need of scrapping and re-writing to make it easier to add to in future. So the work is not all on the screen.

I’ve found that it takes longer and longer to load these days. I don’t know if that’s a code thing or it’s just got loads to download (there are thousands of tiny graphical elements now) - but I often find it seems to hang mid download. Refreshing the page a couple of times seems to kick it in the backside eventually, though it’s possible if you just leave it, it’ll finish the download on its own. I don’t know.

On a similar note. It’s getting impossible to thoroughyl test every possible itteration, so if you do find a major glitch or bug, please do let me know.

Now all I have to do is try to stop putting semi colons at the end of each sentence();


Caitians_Oct2020 Props_Oct2020


For me, this was very often the case before this update. Now, everything seems fine. Great, GREAT work! I love it!! :smiley:

Nice job looking good.

Wonderful work! I know my own group would LOVE a ferengi option as well (as our CMO is a Ferengi!)

Thank you for all the amazing work that has gone into this and continues to do so… the Lower Decks uniforms have come in VERY handy too (guess OUR era! haha)

Eelil Wraal
U.S.S. Livingstone

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That is a ton of fun. Is there a way to export/download the files? I didn’t see anything. I did a bunch of screen prints and cutting and cropping. Did I miss something?

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That’s the way to do it; I think @Wayne_Peters mentioned that in some earlier post. :slight_smile:

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Either way it’s a blast making little Starfleet cartoon characters!


Sadly, no. I’m afraid it’s a case of copy/paste into an art app of your choice. I’m not a programmer and so a load/save function is beyond me at present.
LOVE those crew members. Glad you’re having fun with it.


You really have made many adventures come to life, even my daughter (6yo) had a go making ‘herself’ for ST:A!


for an easy copy/paste Windows have a Capture application integrated

Snip & Sketch (at least on Windows 10)

I know if you did digitigrade legs you’d have to go through and redesign for every permutation that exists!

I guess we’ll not be seeing an Edoan any time soon!