Here’s a collection of Fallout creatures I’ve converted or made up
The bestiary has been updated with a host of new creatures and rules for crafting food items from them.
Thanks for the Beasties, Mortagon. The Radbirds and Radstork will be good addition that will round out the Rad Fauna for my HB Wastelands!
Thanks. Glad you liked them
My fallout bestiary has been updated with some NV creatures (Mantises, Spore plants and Spore carriers), stats for a liberator, new food items and recipes and stats for N.C.R npc’s.
Updated with honeybeasts and bee swarms
Noticed there’s a miss in the Gulper’s Fast Healing -ability; It speaks of the evolved centaur healing 2 HP?
Thanks. Copy paste error
Figured as much
Lovely additions from the earlier games! Dig it whole-heartedly!
Thanks for the feedback :). The error has been fixed
Bestiary has been updated with ticks, gigaroaches and scorchbeasts
I’ve added a bunch of NPC’s from my Fallout New Orleans Campaign. Also added some encounter tables.
Bestiary have been updated with Geckos and a surprise monster
Bestiary updated with:
Cyberdogs (Normal, Police, Military)
Flatwoods Monster (Collab with Dirt 290)
Mothman (Dirt 290)
Mega sloth (Dirt 290)
Jersey devil (Dirt 290)
Giant Roboscorpion (Dirt 290)
Sheepsquatch by E Red
Wendigo by E Red
Bighorner by Dirt290
Super mutant Centaur by Himbo!
Snallygaster by Dirt290
Wendigo Collossus by E Red and ComradeCannon
Securitron Mk I and Mk II (Triple M)
Nightstalker (Himbo!)
Jackalope (Dirt290)
Grafton monster (Dirt290)
Monster templates:
Albino, Alpha, Bloated, Bloodthirsty, Chameleon, Deadly, Diseased, Feral, Fetid, Giant, Glowing, Hideous, Irradiated, Mangy, Mutated, Mythic, Necrotic, Noxious, Prime, Prototype, Putrid, Rabid, Raging, Ravenous, Rotten, Savage, Scorched, Sickly, Stalking, Toxic, Vampiric, Vicious, Vile, Virulent, Young
Bestiary updated
Sandsharks (Dirt290)
Caesar’s legion (Dirt290, Mortagon, DarkSunRebel)
Legion recruit
Legion prime
Legion scout
Legion veteran
Radpidgeon (GrayEmerald515)
Caesars’ legion: (Dirt290, Mortagon, DarkSunRebel, GrayEmerald515)
Legion explorer
Legion Frumentarii
Recruit Decanus
Prime Decanus
Veteran Decanus
Praetorian guard
Legion gear:
Machete Gladius
Ballistic fist
Super mutant abomination
Cerberus mutant hound
Centaur colossus
Hydroclaw (dirt290)
Bloodsucker (dirt290)
Robobrain (Mortagon, Dirt290)
Military robobrain (Mortagon, Dirt290)
Humanoid brainbot
And an endboss npc, a Spore Overlord (dirt290) known as the botanist, a mad, mutated half-plant, half-man that creates and wields an arsenal of plant based weapons. Also includes the rules for creating and using said weapons.
Bestiary updated with:
White spike (Dirt290)
White spike Queen (Dirt290)
Wanamingo Queen
Hermit crab
N.S.C Commando
A new raider gang called the Bayou butchers:
Butcher raider
Butcher hunter
Butcher reaver
A new template:
Institute watcher (Dirt290)