This is very cool. Two things.
1: Is there going to be an index?
2: Since there isn’t one now, are Giant Ants in it? I’d like to bring back the Ant-Agonizer in my game.
This is very cool. Two things.
1: Is there going to be an index?
2: Since there isn’t one now, are Giant Ants in it? I’d like to bring back the Ant-Agonizer in my game.
We’re working on getting everything organized and bookmarked. There will be ants in the next update.
Great work! I really enjoyed looking through the material, there are some really great ideas! Thank you for all the hard work! Have you guys thought of stats for a Radpig? That would be a pretty terrifying creature!
there will be a radhog in the next update
This is absolutely insane. Thank you for this!
This is so awesome! I really admire the work you did here.
I was wondering if you could make a separate PDF that just contains the Creature Templates?
Those are so handy, I’d love to have them in a single document.
here you go Fallout templates
I know Bethesda didn’t make Fallout 2d20, but in true Bethesda fashion they left an underdeveloped product which was fixed by a modder’s work!
Thank you so much!
Bestiary updated with
-Sea creature (E Red)
-Ghoul whale (E Red)
Do you have more information about that NSC faction? I am running a DFW area campaign and I am wanting to try to keep lore compatible with other nearby campaigns that are well put together. It sounds like that one may be relevant to my area.
This is what I’ve written so far
The New South Confederacy is a large group working to create a new Country by joining all the Southern Commonwealths into one big Confederacy. They are mostly active in the Texas area but have small contingents in other areas. Their typical modus operandi is to ally with local factions with similar outlooks and take key strategic areas. The N.S.C in the Gulf area is working closely with the Aristocracy.
The A.R.F
The Arms reclamation force is a division of N.S.C devoted to reclaiming weapons and other armaments for their army. They are similar to the B.O.S in that they have access to superior technology and are obsessively interested in finding old tech.
The Grand Confederate Railroad
The N.S.C’s biggest project is to build a railroad that connects the South from Texas to the South East commonwealth. To this end the N.S.C command has ordered their army to gather a labour force to build the railroad, something they do using a variety of methods. Some units use trade and diplomacy other brute force. The N.S.C do not care how their work force is procured and are not concerned about the use of a slave force.
Hi, may I ask If I can modify your file to put every enemi on 1 page only ?
Go right ahead and do whatever you want to your copy as long as you don’t take credit for the content or modify the original document
Thx, I will let the community know when it will be done
This is the link to the Fallout homebrew discord who helped create the bestiary
Working on some new creatures so the bestiary may be updated really soon. I’ll keep you updated.
I’ve currently finished making Ants and cave crickets for the next update. Any other missing creatures people would like to see?
I made the Mole rat Broodmother and some new generic npc’s. I’m planning on adding some variants of the monsters in the CRB for some variety. The PDF will be updated with the new creatures very soon so keep an eye out on this thread.
@Mortagon, this material is absolutely brilliant!
It takes me back to the days of my youth when I was playing first edition Gamma World, waaaaaay back in 1981 or so.
Well done!