Official Product Wishlist

So, with the up front caveat that I have no idea what kind of leeway Modiphius’ license with CBS gives them for periods which are lightly or not at all covered in canon, I’d really like to see an Eras of Play book. I get that you couldn’t really mess with the DISCO and PICARD eras but it would be lovely to have some more ENT, TOS, TMP (TOS movies), and pre-TNG 24th century resources. Again, I know it might not be possible due to legal restraints, but still, it’s on my wishlist.

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We need a set of minis six minis featuring Kor, Kang, Koloth alongside Kor Kang and Koloth with ridges.


So is that a maybe?

How about a Merchant book? One the details not just Starfleet Merchant Mariners, but also large and small non-Starfleet lines both cargo and passenger services. And Free Traders, especially the ones operating on the fringe.


That would be fun!

I would also like to see more alien races depicted in the minis for TOS and TNG eras. Just some more of the aliens that you can build from the core books.
(Personally, I’m rooting for Caitian and Edoan.)

Would it be fare to suggest that the CBS/Viacom has thrown any approvals into disarray and that there is delays stemming from the merger?

No. The CBS/VIacom merger has had zero impact on approval speed. COVID’s had more impact than anything else.


Bloody COVID getting in the way again!

Since I was pointed here from my intro post I’ll put in my wish list

something anything on ‘the lost era’ specifically around the ending of the Federation/Klingon cold war, the events around the Enterprise-C sacrifice for the Klingon outpost.

I did glance through others post - didn’t go through all 460+ post in depth - and I like the idea about a Merchant book & free traders . It would be useful in not only making a non star fleet centric game, but would also be useful in feeding ideas and NPCs to a federation centric game.

I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned this, but… I’d really really like a book that deals specifically with playing adventures in Starfleet Academy as cadets! Maybe with a variation of the creation-in-play rules that allows characters to start out simple, growing based on the lessons and experiences they have until they eventually become equal to a starting character for the core game. I just remember the scenes from Wesley’s training and Kirk’s Kobayashi Maru test from the new movies, and it seems like an endlessly exciting place to be! Not to mention the opportunity to roleplay Boothby at my players!

And, like everyone else, I’d like a book for each major faction. Not every little species, just the big groups. Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, maybe Ferengi. You could lump in some of the lesser races underneath those banners. Like, the Gorn could be detailed more in a Klingon empire book, since they were subjugated by the Klingons, or the Remans and their spaceframes could be expanded in the Romulans book.

I do want 3 eras books. One for ENT/DISC because we need more spaceframes the NX can face without being annihilated. One for TOS/TAS because that’s where the heart of the franchise is. And one for the future of TNG/DS9/VOY. (And if you guys can pull off a legal magic trick, one for Picard and the others on the way would be fantastic.) (And in an even more ridiculous fantasy land, maybe an STO tie-in that deals with the future in which Romulus exploded and everything went haywire.)

Also,my favorite content published for any RPG is a big book full of random tables for all kinds of stuff.

Can I make all of the above myself? Sure. But it’s just not the same as holding a high quality white-on-black LCARS style hardback, you know?


Just wanted to chime in and say I keep a regular eye on this thread, as part of my role as STA project manager. It’s all on the whiteboard wishlist, though there’s no guarantee they’ll be produced. And I can’t speak to stuff currently in the pipeline.

But I am reading and listening and working backstage on trying to turn as many of these ideas into reality in some format, whether it’s a hardcover book, a PDF, a deck of cards, or something else.

Keep the ideas coming, and as always, thank you for your support of the game. We wouldn’t be doing this without you all.


any chance of borg deck tiles?


I had never thought about it, but I like JAM’s idea above on a book or something for adventures while being a cadet. It goes with my like of concept of ‘below the decks’ adventures with JR enlisted or NCOs and field grade officers. Plus it could be good fodder to build those backgrounds for regular style players - how often in the shows did one of the officers know someone on another ship from previous service with them on another ship, or had been friends for years back at the academy or from their first tour on a star ship. Also, it could be a good introduction (to new players or GMs new to the system like myself)

Of course, I’d still like some things for the ‘below the decks’ type adventures, and for the 'lost years between the original series and Next Gen .

I’m supportive of the Cadet and Below the decks ideas. I’m curious though - what would the latter actually look like? I would 100% gobble that content up, but I’m not entirely sure what is needed if I wanted to go and run this type of game

That’s a great idea.

Some things that could be included might be:

Random tables/ideas for trouble that might crop up on an otherwise “boring” cadet assignment (like the “Moon-Mars run” that both Geordi and Riker mentioned being assigned to in their pasts)

Simulation tests like the Kobayashi Maru

Troubles that might arise on training cruises

Officer exchanges where the whole party gets assigned to a ship of the Andorian Defense Force, or a Vulcan science ship, or even a Klingon ship for several weeks.

Survival training where the party gets dropped off with minimal equipment in hostile terrain or on a barren planet and they have to accomplish some task (or just get back to the recovery point in time), with possible hazards, complications and plot twists.

Wargame exercises against fellow cadets, or against the experienced crew of a starship.

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Last Unicorn Games had a nice Starfleet Academy box set back in the day. Don’t think I haven’t spent some time poring over that thinking about how to adapt it for STA. :slight_smile:


It was a little gimmicky (the Academy certificate for example), but it was nicely done! I was more impressed by the Way of Dera (the Romulan box) and always wished they’d had a chance to do the planned Klingon and Cardassian boxes.

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That Romulan book was wonderful.
I still have it upstairs, the amount of stuff that was in it was great.

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Yep, Way of D’era is on my shelf too.

The Academy box was one of the only LUG products I didn’t buy. I wouldn’t buy one for this system either.