Official Product Wishlist

I’d like a decent Enterprise-Era sourcebook


I concur, Enterprise to the end of the 2240s would be awesome.


Beta Quadrant gives a dozen or so pages to each of the Romulans and Klingons, and about half that to Gorns, if that helps. But I do understand the desire for more detail!

A campaign guidebook similar to the way Dungeons and dragons has its dungeon masters guide. Just a supplement that helps players generate new scenarios and planets and places of interest.

A full blown campaign book. Like the living campaign but in a book.

I echo the calls for more era focused books, I realize this sort of stuff is tricky but I would love a bit more about the various eras in Star trek.

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the “these re they voyages” books look to be just that…

“These are the Voyages”, being Mission Compendium Vol. 1, does indeed contain missions. But it does not contain a full blown campaign, since the missions are not connected to each other. But maybe that is, what Happyzappydude wishes for. :slight_smile:

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yeah a linked series of missions like the starter set. But bigger.

Would people prefer Era Specific campaign books or would you want ones that are easily adaptable to any era?

Easily adaptable is better than Era specific IMO. Also better from Modiphius’ point of view as they could expect similar sales to other supplements vs people not buying because they are not playing that era.


I want to see a set of klingons based on the Star Trek III Movie Klingons
Borg Deck Tiles
DS9 Deck tiles
Mirror Universe setting
Star Trek Discovery setting
More generic star fleet and federation personel
Cardassian packs
Jem Hadar Packs
Voyager Crew
DS9 crew

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It appears, our wish was their command - 2408x1080 pixels of glorious imagery…

(Scroll down to below the Sciences Division anmouncement!)

Thanks Modiphius!


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Don’t forget a bucket for when Odo’s asleep!

I like the idea of flip-mats too, though I realize you already have a format you’ll probably want to keep.

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No, the next one will be “To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before!, Mission Compendium Vol 4”
After that, we can have “He’s Dead, Jim!, Mission Compendium Vol 5”…

Well, I’m kinda late to the rodeo, here, but Modipius has already fulfilled one of my requests!
I thought sure that the initial figure sets were the only ones coming out, based on past companies products, but they’ve just announced a TOS landing party set with Tellerites, Andorians and Denobulans!
Thanks! Now if we could get Caitians and Edoans. Sorry, I can’t think of any more TOS races off the top of my head. (NO, no Hortas!!!)

As for producing critter figures, I don’t see the need. I’m not going to use a Mugato or a M113 Salt Vampire or a Denevan Flying Parasite! Those stories were done. And to produce a bunch of unique creatures would be pointless with thousands of them already out there. Lots of companies already produce many sci-fi and fantasy monsters that would work superbly in a Star Trek Adventure.
Maybe we could start a new thread with links to our favorite sources/monsters out there!

I like the current map tiles; I could use some TOS syles too.

For books, I could see an Alien Race Generator, Creature Generator, Planet/Star System Generator, Adventure Generator, etc., all combined into one “Galaxy Building Manual”.


Very VERY much this right here please

Actually looking into the last two posts a series of “How to…” (… create race, create creature, create planet, create start system…) are pretty covered in the existing books, however are somewhat dispersed. So maybe a series of 2-sided cards we could print / laminate with step-by-step “How to…” guides would do the trick ? :thinking:

I’ve been watching TOS with my wife lately, and have run to my STA books for more information on the species they encounter, only to not find anything. I’m behind this. It would be interesting to do missions where crews return to planets originally visited in TOS.

As we reach the second season of Discovery, I am increasingly interested in seeing some Discovery related material. Even if just something along the lines of the pdfs that had the crews of TOS, TNG and DS9 and/or stats of the Discovery itself.

I realize that licensing is the biggest roadblock there, but a man can dream.

It’s not official due to licensing, but I’m in the process (interrupted by family issues and paying gigs) of doing things about it.