Love the dirty/grungy look to him, looks like he’s been sitting around in radioactive dirt and waste for 200 years!
He’s looking good!
Thanks all I’m glad he turned out ok, was worried he’d look terrible while working on him.
I used my watch tower as a back drop. Was one of my first pieces of terrain (see above for more pics as well).
Nice! I like that tarp for the roof
I find all of my miniatures go through a “Well, this is awful” stage while I’m painting them
Finished a small piece of scatter terrain. It’s funny to me how I have over a dozen minis in various states of base coating but can’t find the focus to finish any of them, but was able to do a piece of terrain start to finish over the course of a few nights.
I know what you mean with hobby motivation, I’ll often get bursts of energy to work on one particular thing over anything else I might have been working on. They look like they should be great for scatter terrain though!
I totally understand that! I have more miniatures than I want to think about to paint but am only enthusiastic about terrain -
I have both minis and terrain in various stages of assembly / painting. Piles, actually.
But I’m slooooowly making progress.
That looks great!