Info's wasteland wanderings

I like this idea. I just ordered up a small thing of crackle paint and will give it a try when it arrives.

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The only thing you may want to consider is that the crackle paint may not give a fine enough effect for the scale. But thatā€™s based on my experience from my mothers fascination with crackle paint 20 years ago. Things may have changed since then and/or it may be what you are looking for.

All that being said, I definitely think itā€™s worth trying and look forward to your results.

This also got me thinking about using crackle paint for aging effects on buildings, once I get some larger structures for my table. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Iā€™ve been trying to read up on the topic just a little bit. It seems to me that the crackle effect is largely dependent on how thick you put it on.

I ordered a small bottle of it. Iā€™ll be sure to play around with it a little and Iā€™ll talk about how it does, or doesnā€™t work when I post the models I use it on.


Had a bit of a hobby slump for a few weeks, just had no motivation to do anything. :frowning:
But! Iā€™ve started easing my way back in with another shack, itā€™s a fairly quick build Iā€™m just waiting on glue on the frame for the roof to dry before I can finish it.

Apologies for this being more terrain(ish) bits and not painted minis :confused:


Looking good! I like it. Popsicle sticks for the wood?

Where did you get the crate and lantern? To me, the lantern almost looks like something from one of my old Mega Blocks Pirates of the Caribbean sets.

Donā€™t feel bad about terrain over miniatures. We love it all.

Looking forward to seeing it with the roof on!

As someone who plans on making his own terrain when he has the free time, I love seeing what others have created. Along with how they did it.

The shack looks great, but am also curious as to where the items inside it came from.

Thanks all :slight_smile:

The boards are coffee stirrers, they just seem a bit more in scale than popsicle sticks.
The bunk bed came from 4Ground and the crate is from a 1/35 accessories pack, Iā€™m not sure which one since Iā€™ve picked up a few over the years and threw the boxes away :man_facepalming:

The lantern is from the the old Ristuls range, unfortunately this is currently OOP. Fortunately they are being remastered and should be re-released by Bad Squiddo Games sometime in April - I believe the plan is for this to be before the Salute show on April 6th :crossed_fingers:


Quick picture of the shack with the roof on. Iā€™ve kept it flat so that I can (in theory) stack the shacks on top of each other, although the edges are slightly bent downwards. The roof is also removable so the inside can be accessed.


Very nice. It turned out really good, I bet itā€™s going to look great on your table.

Seeing your work, I went out and picked up some of the little popsicle sticks and such. Going to turn it into a craft day with my kids. I know itā€™s just a disaster waiting to happen if I give my kids glue, but Iā€™m looking forward to it all the same. :smiley:

That looks good! Would it work to put a brown or black wash on the wooden sections, as a way of darkening/weathering them? Either way itā€™ll look brilliant on the tabletop :slight_smile:

Agreed. This looks great! Makes me regret not picking up sticks at the craft store the other day. I have managed to squirrel away some corrugated cardboard at leastā€¦

How big are you cutting the corrugated panels?

Thanks all :blush:

I think the trick will keeeping the kids from covering themselves in glue, getting them to help will add to the ramshackle look though :wink:

That would work, and they are actually slightly darker - the lights on my hobby desk wash them out a little. Theyā€™re just airbrushed with vallejo light grey wash with a drop of sepia ink in it. Iā€™m trying to get it to look like old weathered wood where it looks really grey. Still a work in progress on that though.

Iā€™m not measuring them :grimacing: I hold up the sheet and roughly cut what I think will work and then overlap them. Makes it look like it was thrown together by someone with no skill out whatever they could find laid aroundā€¦which it was :joy:

Iā€™m using textured plasticard for the roofā€™s but thatā€™s just becasue itā€™s a bit sturdier and my plan is for them to be stackable. Corrugated card will be used anywhere else though! :slight_smile:


Painted up Aspirant Goddard from the starter set. Pretty happy with the paint job, although the photos could be better.


Very nice! Looking good.

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Looks great! Youā€™ve reminded me I forgot to do the yellow stripe on my laser riflesā€¦

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Nice work!! I should be able to start painting mine soon. I really need to pick up some of those grass tufts to add to the basing as these will be my fist minis with anything but a flat paint job for a base.

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Thanks all :slightly_smiling_face:

Because I apparently canā€™t paint more than one miniature without getting distracted, I made another shack. :confused:
Completely different to the others because I wanted to try out a couple of things.
For some reason the wood came out really yellow on these photos, I really need to work on thatā€¦ :man_facepalming:


Honestly, this is my favorite one youā€™ve done so far.

Any chance you can let us know how you did it? Is the wall scratch built, or you bought it somewhere?

The canopy is watered down paper towel, painted? Or something else.

Seriously, looks nice.

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