Hi all just wanted to share my painting with everyone. Certainly not award winning but they please me. I’ve only just got back into WW and I must say I’m certainly enjoying it the second time round. Feedback is always welcome. Thank you.
Some scratch built scenery I recently finished (scratch built aside from the workbenches that is lol) Quite happy with how it turned out really
Very well done!
Cheers mate
That looks amazing! Love the work you’ve done on this. Lovely texture and it all just looks so natural.
Thank you
Half the settlers box complete this week. Just on with the named characters now and then they are ready to head out into the wasteland
The colours and textures you’ve done are awesome, they really capture the Fallout vibe!
Cheers mate. Your work is awesome too. I need to get some more scenery for my game’s though. I know the wasteland is barren but my board may as well just be the mat I play on lol
Thanks! And yeah scenery and terrain really make a difference for this game I’ve found, otherwise it tends to heavily favour shooting models that can just hit everything from far away
What’s your thoughts on the quantity of scenery @Alaiteir ? I’m using the red rocket set plus the 3x3 mat. I’ve built a couple of building to add to the garage and also got the barricades from modiphius too. Not really sure how much more I need as usually I play another system
I generally try to have a solid mix of line of sight blocking terrain and things that can provide cover, but I also try to take the narrative into account. If I want to imagine the event is happening in downtown boston then I aim for lots of buildings, if it’s more rural then perhaps forests and abandoned waste. I tend to play narrative, rather than competitive, games of it though, so I’m not sure what the best balance would be from that point of view
Cool cheers @Alaiteir. I also tend to play narrative as I’m not to keen on competitive play anymore. Appreciate your thoughts mate
Last of the survivors core set finished this aft. Just in time to crack on with some more scenery now
That was quick painting! They look great too!
Cheers mate
Those are some beautiful gradient effects - I love the dusky, subdued colors!
I really appreciate how it looks old and sand-blasted, but not outright neglected. That is, this looks like it could be a post-apocalyptic-but-presently-inhabited (or at least RECENTLY inhabited) dwelling, where some amount of care is taken with the (old, worn) supplies – versus how in Fallout 4 I feel like the modelers got a bit lazy and there’s hardly any distinction between the abandoned ruins, and the lived-in ones (the first “Drumlin Diner” being a prime example of that problem, IMHO).
The method of building up the ground texture is really interesting. I can practically feel spackle-paste being scraped onto the baseplate with a trowel. (Actually, now that makes me wonder if that same method would work for portraying snowy habitats. I might have to try that sometime.)
Cheers mate much appreciated