Finding each other out in the wasteland

Mile High Wasteland (Denver, Colorado, USA)

Iā€™m in Appleton WI! So far its just me and the Mrs.

Iā€™m in Dupont. I usually play in Lacey and starting in January am going to try to start pushing to get a league going if you are interested.

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Thatā€™d be awesome. I travel a lot for work so my availability can be iffy at times, but Iā€™d love to get some games in

Sounds good. I will be doing it at Gabiā€™s Cards & Comics. I already ran one demo in December. In the next few days Iā€™ll get the event posted for January on their events page if you want to find it on Facebook. If youā€™d like, I can also shoot you an email if you want to send me your email.

Additionally, I have a gaming table at my house and we could link up to play at some point if youā€™d like (thatā€™s a bit closer to you).

Richland, Washington, USA is my home area.

@gallowsCalibrator, Iā€™ll be in SeaTac in April for Norwescon. Maybe Iā€™ll see you there!

Horten, Norway, Europe

Zagreb, Croatia, Europe. Thereā€™s 3 of us currently so if anyone is coming through just give me a shout. Have almost everything for all factions

Metz, France, Europe

Is anyone near Burlington North Carolina? I just moved down here.

@Squadfather44 Iā€™m near NC so I had hoped I was, but when I looked up Burlington I discovered itā€™s not in the close part. 3.5 hours away unfortunately.

Iā€™m about 2 hours away

@Dougernaut I just learned of Norwescon, seems interesting count me in.

Hi there! Im from the Commonwealth, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

Iā€™m in the USA, Georgia, North metro Atlanta. Gaming at Gigabites, Joeā€™s Garage, Meeple Madness and just about anywhere else within an hour or so.

Iā€™m from a different Commonwealth - the Commonwealth of Australia.

Iā€™m down that way quite often for conventions. The next one being around the end of May for CMON Expo. Iā€™ll have to remember to shoot you a message around that time, to see if you want to get a game in, of some kind.

Iā€™m in Spanaway, Washington, USA. Send me a line if youā€™re interested in getting some minis on table.

Sure thing, youā€™re about 15 minutes down the road from me (Iā€™m off of 176th between canyon and meridian)