Treasure and victory points

How do you get VPs for searching for treasure? We can’t find it. Please give reference.


Regular Treasure tokens don’t automatically give Victory Points. They may do as part of the Scenario Victory Conditions - see the Ambush (Q14 and Lost Treasure (Q17) scenarios for examples. Master Treasures do give VP’s as they are Objectives(QB4).

However, remember that if you force a lock on a chest using Strength instead of a picking the lock with a Lockpick Skill Check you don’t gain any Victory Points (if you would have) (RB29).

Thanks. What about the treasures in delve scenario 2? We thought the comment in that scenario implied points.


Also, I think at the beginning of a round we choose which adversaries, number chosen by septim point value, activate in that round. If those models react or are killed, we don’t choose a different one to take its place?


Only eligible Adversaries can activate, so if they are killed, or have already reacted, they can’t activate and another adversary should be chosen.

In reality, its easier to draw a random Adversary as each activation comes up from the the pool of available Adversaries.

Yes, I noticed that, too. But we liked it when an adversary didn’t get to go. :slight_smile:

The first time we tried this one, we got killed as we moved across the battlefield, not even close. This time we realized that The Beast was going to come out as soon as we crossed the diagonal, and thought it would be harder. But he did, and we killed him ,and were able to go take the objective (and another that came up due to event), just fending off adversaries until we finally got a good enough intelligence roll to solve the puzzle. Nice to win, but we couldn’t help laughing at the dummies trying to figure it out, needing to roll 3s.


To your other quers, Delve Scenario 2 does not give VP’s for treasure. VP’s awarded for killing Adversaries and for Oaths (though one oath does require a treasure). The VP’s are required to be able to activate the puzzle (and level), not win the scenario.