The Great Game pdf pre-order?

@Andy-Modiphius I am really excited for the Great Game book. However, I almost exclusively use pdfs nowadays. Will there be a pdf only pre-order made available? I would like to get the free adventure, but I don’t need a physical book. Thank you.

At the end of the pre-order period the pdf for The Great Game will go on general release as a pdf as usual.
We’ll also be releasing the adventure ‘Kernels of Doubt’ for general sale at the same time, but not as a free bonus.

I’m afraid that it’s not viable to offer the free pdf with just a pdf, which is a shame as I appreciate your position. But March isn’t too far away at least. :slight_smile:

Sounds good. I totally understand. Thanks for the reply.

BTW, any info on what the adventure is about?

About certain… circumstances that are… questionable, if I may say so. :wink:

In Dune, every circumstance is questionable… :slight_smile:

The adventure is called ‘Kernels of Doubt’. It involves the PCs discovering a rival House might have a new form of biological weapon in development. Then it uses Agent and Architect play to uncover the truth and try to take the rival to task in front of the Landsraad.

It was originally going to be in the Great Game book, but we had to cut it for space. So it now makes the perfect companion adventure. :slight_smile:


I thought I wasn’t allowed to talk about that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Very cool. Thanks for the info.

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I don’t think anyone minds now its out! :slight_smile:

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Does anyone have any idea when the PDF is likely to be released to those who preordered the book?

I’m champing at the bit for this, have just started a campaign where house development is a central pillar.

Masters of Dune was only about 1 week between preorder and pdf.

Normally it is a bit longer that from experience (2-3 weeks) and if they are planning on shipping the physical product in March the pdfs are going to be imminent.

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Here’s hoping for ‘soon’ then.

To be honest, at the moment I’m checking my emails three times a day (okay, twenty times) in the hopes that it’s there…

It should be ‘soon’ but I think its up to Danny to offer anything more as he is closer to the process.
Apologies for this one being later than we planned but it is imminent.

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Interestingly enough, I got my shipping notice already yesterday. I’m excited. :slight_smile:

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Aaaaand there it is!
The .zip is still named after the adventure (or do I have to imply a comma?), but it’s there and looking good.

Especially curious about Chapter 4. Uhhhh, this will be sooo goood! :heart_eyes:


Received the shipping notification and download this morning.

Let the games commence!

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Hi any new about Kernels of Doubt as a standalone pdf to buy?
I am planning to buy the pdf of The Great Game: Houses of the Landsraad, but I am also eager to read new official adventures!

It should not be long at all (day not weeks I think, certainly by the end of the month.).
It may still be set on the previous date for release, as we actually released Great Game a little earlier than schedule.

More than a little early in some cases I hear… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: