Star Trek Discovery returns

I agree - 3 largely disconnected plots and a surprisingly fast resolution to Tilly’s unwelcome visitor plot. I’ve seen one review that pointed out the 2 main plots were actually connected in theme, rather than explicitly (bad choices come back to haunt you).

I actually enjoyed the Klingon plot (though not many seem to agree with me) and I think it serves to round off the whole war story from their point of view, so they can be set aside for a while.

And is it my imagination, or is Discovery’s version of Amanda a lot tougher than previous incarnations? I’m sorry, you did what with your son’s medical records?

I am a little unsatisfied with Episode 3.
There was a little too much Story:

  • Section 31
  • Klingon Houses
  • Spok
  • Tilly

I think there were Stuff for 3 to 4 eppisodes.

But, that was the first Time I enjoyed Burnham, as she and Tilly talked about the “Black-Matter-Ghost”. “Wait, your Hallucination don’t know tears?”

And I wonder if that “Captain Diego” was the Diego Reyes from the Star Trek Vanguard Books.

Episode Four, I enjoyed quite a bit. Saru, by far, remains Discovery’s most interesting addition to the Trek universe, and there was a lot of good all around in this one. I wonder how the sphere’s download is going to play into future stories.

Things discovered from the sphere’s dying testimony (for want of a suitable term) couod easily serve as plot hooks for exploratory and scientific games in any decade after Discovery - there’ll be scientists poring over that info for a very long time.

Also, Number One was awesome but not in the show enough. If Ethan Peck’s take on Spock is even half as good as these depictions of Pike and Number One, they could easily sell a pre-Kirk Enterprise spin-off (the rest of Pike’s last Five-year Mission before Kirk takes command) based on performances alone. The comment about their Chief Engineer loving the Enterprise was nice foreshadowing of the next Engineer who’ll love that ship.

And Reno and Stamets make a fun duo.

What happened to not discussing the episode until saturday?!? :joy::joy:

Good return to form.

Interesting to see number one and Pike together in that, at least as far as I can remember so far, it’s the only relationship we ever saw on another Star Trek now come into Discovery.

Agreed on Reno and Stamets being a fun pairing.

I will be glad when the spore drive is shut down for good. Maybe with some sort of environmentalist type message. It wasn’t the worst thing ever, but it was a little out of sync with TOS and warp limitations in the show going forward.

I loved the line about ripping out the holographic projectors.

Feels like in-universe pandering to some fan complaints but I don’t care, it’s cheesy and I love it.

Well, there’s always Sarek and Amanda…

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Some of this season’s stories are a little heavy handed, but I feel like they’re trying to fix some mistakes from the previous season so I’m okay with that.

I hate to say there were mistakes, so maybe…redirect some of the storylines? LoL

I’d rather a show that stumbled a bit at the start then made corrections, than one that started strong then degraded in the 2nd season.


So, this might be touchy but I’m trying to bring it up in a sensitive way, if people don’t want to discuss it I can understand. Is Discovery “cannon”? I’ve seen videos from Midnights Edge recently talking about how Discovery was created under the same license as the Kelvin movie series, which is why things which may have been in the other TV series needed to be different for marketing and licensing reasons, like Spock being younger than he should be, and perhaps behaving differently than he should be, along with other stuff, etc.

And the tricky thing is that, the ‘kelvin’ license lets them make stuff in the ‘prime’ timeline but it needs to be different enough from other Trek stuff that it may not necessarily be ‘cannon’ or in continuity with ENT, TOS, TNG, etc.

Thinking about it makes my head spin a little bit, but it does possibly explain creative differences like uniforms, the look of the klingons, who knows what else. I dunno, I don’t think its really anything that should stop people from enjoying it if they do, but does this reveal enough that it should be considered its own separate thing in the way that say… we know mirror universe is its own thing, or the kelvin timeline is its own thing, should Discovery be its own thing which borrows some from the prime timeline?

I mean, that’s your problem right there. That channel has posted conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, such as predicting that Discovery would be cancelled last-minute right up until the first episode aired. The guy’s got a grudge, and it shows.

I don’t think there’s much of value to be gained from one man’s crusade against a TV show he despises.


Well that’s one way of looking at it. Doesn’t mean you can’t look at evidence presented and come to some other conclusion or not despite motivations of the presenter.

Who knows, maybe this whole thing will be moot if/when CBS and Paramount get merged back together and Paramount won’t have to license out Trek from CBS just to keep making Trek stuff.

I’d consider it canon. I would have been more resistant to call it canon in season 1, but as season 2 is going along they have made a lot of effort to start explaining why certain thinge are different.

The Klingons are one that you mention. In the klingon heavy episode this season, they were starting to move towards changes that would make them much closer to the klingons we already know. Of course certain things have (rightfully) been modernised as well.

It is intended to be canon, while yes there is definitely a split in the production design, this is simply a question of taste and licences not what is “canon” and “prime”.
The thing about a good conspiracy theory is that it takes elements of truth and twists it into something clandestine.
Quite simply put Discovery is canon but exists as a separate licence, seperate again from 07 Trek. It’s quite clear season 2 is on damage control from some of the more excessive changes to technology and appearance but some we as viewers have to accept of a 60 year difference in special effects.

Oh, it’s definitely canon - and “prime” universe - the design discrepancies are more a shift to reflect modern fashions, in the same way the Klingons shifted in the 80s. Personally, I like some of them (technology and ship designs) and dislike others (nearly anything Klingon!).

I’d heard about the whole contract “conspiracy theory” and it’s exactly the kind of thing that lost me my fandom of Star Wars. And I really don’t want that to happen with Trek!

To be honest, Klingons aside, Discovery is actually not that out of step with either Enterprise or the TOS Movies (at least TWOK onwards). So, on that basis, it’s the original series that doesn’t fit the rest (horror of horrors), which fits with the whole “we didn’t have the technology” thing the producers have on occasion mentioned.

So, my favourite theory is that TOS is an academy training simulation. Which explains the ludicrous plots, the relatively basic scenery, the flimsy uniforms and the slightly undetailed ship designs.

It works even better if the academy involved belongs to, say, the Romulans…


Officially been greenlit for season 3, which is a relief given the rumours about whether or not it would be continued!

Unless there was something I missed from an actual TV news source, the only rumors I saw were from like anti-Discovery Youtubbers who clearly want the show to fail. They’re planning 4 (or 5 or 6!) Star Trek series, they need Discovery as an anchor for itself and for the Section 31 show. Season 2 subscriptions has exceeded CBS goals even if the first year of the streaming services didn’t do that well.

Yeah, supposedly Netflix were having issues over cost vs viewings, which was why their acquisition of the shorts was late and there’s been no confirmation of acquisition of the newer series.

But the only “evidence” we got was hearsay, since Netflix don’t release viewing figures! And the new series are probably not on sale yet…

(Also the shorts showed up just before season 2 began, so make of that what you will…)

Well, we had the actor who plays Pike saying he was unemployed on twitter, which you could say was the basis for the rumors of Discovery being cancelled. I just figured his character would either not be returning to Discovery, or he was just looking for more work because of downtime. At least those seemed more probable reasons than Discovery being cancelled.

That seems most likely - the character is best known as the Captain of the Enterprise before Kirk, and his command of Discovery is temporary so having him become Discovery’s captain for longer than just this season’s arc would seem strange.