Hey gang,
So since there was interest in the pieces in the pic I posted and also so I don’t hijack someone else’s thread, here’s a thread with some more pics of those pieces and also a place to talk more about them if you like.
As requested here’s a closer shot of the garden plot. the tato plot is being re-worked as I made them in scale but didn’t account for the depth of the foam board. I included a bare plot so you could see it mid assembly. ballast was used for the dirt. The ballast was a little too rough for “dirt” so I switched to an ultri fine ballast and that works better.
Also figured I’d show off the merry go round. This was done with clear flying stands/bases inverting one on top of the other and drilling out the top hole to fit the post so that it will turn. The rails are wire hanger and the “diamond plate” effect is achieved with screen door mesh (again recycled). This can be substituted with mesh used for wedding veils (you can get it at fabric shops) or if you have to replace a screen door screen you’ll end up with waaaaay too much of it…
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found some more in progress pics you can see the greenstuff tato’s prior to paint. They really are easy just twist and keep twisting as you pull slightly. You can also see the how the railings have been formed to match the mat.
Transferring over here to talk about the rocket spring things. You would thing there would be some kids toys that could be repourposed, like the plastic tsum tsums. I’ll have to look next time I’m at the store.
The other thought would be holiday decor of some kind. Especially as we near Easter. Or maybe a candy mold from a craft store… just spitballing…
I suppose I should do the same.
I mentioned over in the other thread that the springs from the clickable pens might be about the right size. Alternately, go into a hardware store and tell them what you’re looking for, most of those kinds of stores have tons of those kinds of things, and quite often you can even buy items like that in small quantities which would be fairly friendly to the way hobbiers work.
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I wonder if something out of the novelty coin machines at some stores might be a good option for the spring things. Also, charm bracelet pieces or even novelty pencil eraser caps.
If you’re looking specifically for a rocket, then perhaps a missle or bomb from another toy might work as well.
Yeah, I’ve been going through the old GI Joe and other toys up in the attic to no avail. Finding a 50’s stylized rocket is more difficult than you might think. most are less stylized. though the search as always, continues. Coin vending machines are a Good source to check. sooner or later I’ll probably just sculpt one using green stuffs. they aren’t that big after all, think about the size of a 32mm child (look at malifaux for examples of heroic 32mm kids)
Some mechanical pencil tips might be a good start for crafting your own too. The ones that are more rounded towards the tip.