Hi there, I have some questions about the rules of the game, and some questions about the cards/unit and the App. I’ll keep posting if I remember more:
1: When I use Suicider in the App, it appears with rating 2,2,X, and 9 health, but in the last card update it is 1,1,X and 8 heatlh, what Suicider is updated?
2: When you use some area damage with melee, like Behemoth or an special Young deathclaw’s swipe, it is like an orange blast radius, do you use a diameter from the model’s base? do you count it from the center? is it 360 degrees? does it count from above like a detonation?
3:If you use Lone wanderer perk, and you have friendly models in presence range, but blocking LoS with big covers or something like that, is the “presence” working with the LoS blocking or presence counts from above and cannot be blocked?
4: If you fail a close combat attack with an X die, do you get the free sliding movement?
5: With the last update, when you use Survivor faction and leader, do you only get 1 armor token on unique models and 0 on normal models? You cannot use more than 1 strong armor bonus from any source, so the maximum strong armor bonus in ANY case would be 1?
6:In settlement mode, can you use armor/weapon mods in different weapons from a multiple-unit card, with only 1 armor/weapon mod?
7:In settlement mode, if you get an structure in step 2, could you use it for drawing cards?
8:In settement mode, when you use standard equipment from AI cards, if you decide not to use some weapons or anything, could you sell them? do you get back to the pool all the standard equipment (retained?) as stuff you could sell?
9:In campaing, when a player gets priority for the next scenario, is it only a matter of who begins the deployment? or gets the advantage marker? both?
10:When turrets use reactions tokens, they get -2 to their skill?
11:If I use Survivors, could I use Codsworth without having my leader with Robot controller perk? Its unit card doesnt say anything about Survivors on the title…
12:When a boost card says you can change the die’s symbols, could you chose any player?
13:Is Mutant hound fiend 1,1,X or 1,1,1? do you get an extra black die from its strentgh when it bites?
14:If you use Look out! ability form Dogmeat guard dog, do you get all the consequences (like stun, injured…) from the attack, or just the damage to roll the red die? If it is a blast radius damage, and the measurement is different from its position to calculate damage (like suiciders), do you get the damage from the range of the “helped” model?
15:When you charge a model wich is engaged, and you win the battlecry, and push back that model, do the other model gets a free attack for that?
16:When you use Cait in the App, it says Psycho for 0 cost, but in the AI card it says Mentats, and you cannot put in with 0 cost, is it fine the AI card or the App?
17:If you put in Sturges, when you create your force, you draw 3 mods and keep/put in 2 mods, the 2 mods are free, dont?
18:When Suicider detonates, do you count the diameter from the explosion from Suicider’s center? And it doesn’t have melee skill, cannot they use improvised weapon?
19:In General Atomics Facility scenario, my partner (Super Mutants) says he can destroy computers with detonation damage (with suiciders), not attacking, but exploding near the computer, wich is near a model, before passing the INT test, could it be?
20:When you use the cooking station in settlement mode, and you have a crop field, do you have to take the first alcohol card? I mean, do you chose between a deck of food, and a deck of alcohol? or do you mix the cards and get the first food/alcohol card?
Thanks in advance