Robots Self-destruct ability & Primed Weapon

I’ve been getting into Robots faction recently and couple of questions came out during our last play:

  1. If my Assaultron is reduced received DMG that would reduce it to 0HP and after roll it gets into the Selfdestruct mode, I can still activate it and perform movement actions, after which it will detonate dealing DMG descibed on the Self-destruct card, right?
  2. Each time protectron receives DMG, that would make him have less than 50% of his health (in case of standard Protectron (7HP), that would be 4 DMG received) I have to roll if he initiates self-destruct. Does that include situation in which he recieves his 7th DMG? Making him 0HP. Since 0 is less than 50% of 7 .
  3. When Protectron initiates Self-destruct mode, does it still receive dmg normally? i.e. can it be killed BEFORE it explodes? If Yes, can Assaultron, that initiated Self-destruct be somehow removed from the battlefield?
  4. Do I receive a token on Assaultron Head Laser after it performs quick action (either from AP or e.g Program:spread) or is it only from “standard” Actions: Move, Charge, Attack, Expertise, Prepare?

Side question: will we get Eyebots box someday? Or just have them in some Robot themed box?

Hey @Lokee,

1 - Yup, you’ve got it right. The rule on the Assaultron card would allow them to hit zero wounds, stick around until their next activation where they would get to perform two Movement Actions and then they would explode.
2 - So this one is a little different. You would roll to see if Self Destruct came into play but unlike the Assaultron, the Protectron does not have a rule that keeps them on the board at zero health. The Protectron would not be able to exist on the board at the point of having zero health. In short, you would roll for it but then the model would cease to exist on the board.
3 - A Protectron could be removed from the board when in Self Destruct if it has wounds remaining whereas the Assaultron would not. This is because the latter has a rule that prevents it from being removed from the board when it reaches zero wounds, whereas the former does not.
4 - I don’t quite understand the question. Could you explain this in more detail and/or screenshot the cards you are talking about in particular?


Thank You,

2- if Protectron is being hit with Walked fire . Do i make a roll after each dmg it receives or just one after whole attack ?

Battered Assaultron Head laser - do i add token (if non-friendly in LoS) even after i perform Quick Action (e.g. movement QA)?

BTW is there a distance limit to LoS? Is it one awarnes length, two or the distance doesn’t matter ?

Hey @Lokee

The Walked Fire rule on page 47 of the Rules of Play book states that ‘Weapons with the Walked Fire ability fire multiple shots each time a Shoot Action is used to fire them’. This means that although you would fire the Walked Fire gun several times, it would still be one Action (as per the Critical Hit restrictions in the second paragraph of the same rule).

This means for the Battered Assaultron Head Laser you would only remove one token for the Walked Fire attack, regardless of the number of actual shots it generates in an attack.

No stipulation is given to the range of LoS (see p17 of Rules of Play), just that a straight line must be measured from one part of the attacker’s base to the other without being blocked.

Those were actually two separate questions:

  1. about Protectron getting DMG from Walked fire
  2. About Assaultron making QA

TBH i have no idea what you meant by:
“Battered Assaultron Head Laser you would only remove one token for the Walked Fire attack, regardless of the number of actual shots it generates in an attack.”
This is not a Walked fire attack nor does it cost one token to shoot with it.

Please look at the card again.

Hello @Lokee,

The Battered Assaultron Head Laser is not a Walked Fire Attack but in your first point you did ask about Walked Fire. I likely just got the two questions mixed up. Let’s try again;

  • Protectron and Walked Fire: They would roll for each point of damage.

  • Battered Assaultron Head Laser: It would trigger on any action (other than a shooting action, note the ‘exc.shooting’ in the rules text), be it a standard Action or Quick Action (be in earned through Action Points or a Program: Spread).

You would trigger it on a Quick Action Move providing you have a non-friendly model in LOS. You would check for this once the action was completed, so you’d check after placing the model on the board as suggested in the rules text (it states ‘After each action’).

No stipulation is given to the range of LoS (see p17 of Rules of Play), just that a straight line must be measured from one part of the attacker’s base to the other without being blocked.

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