Just working on something and trying to recover from second covid shot. (Just flu like aches and pains here.) I thought it would be neat to brainstorm more complications. I stopped at 15 of them and I look forward to using them for when I can not think of something on the fly or players bombard me with multiple high rolls of 20 round after round!
I’ve used the ones from StarshipsandSteel for a while now and noticed my players don’t really like the multiple weapon breakages in their list so I thought about making my own.
If anyone wants to add to the list please reply below and we could do a community effort though having about 30 should be more than enough. Once finished I’ll try to add them all to a set of master sheets so they can be more easily printed out on card stock.
Try to keep to the format with the title and flavorful text at the top & what one rolled complication would mean then what two would do.
Edit: Finally got the number of complications up to 20 and prettified the cards with Clipart!