Is there a written—not video or podcast—example of JCoM game play that demonstrates the momentum usage limit from page 53 working as intended? Preferably a full encounter.
In action scenes (described later in the Action Scenes section), a character can only use Momentum once in any round. However, some Momentum spends are described as repeatable. This means they can be used as frequently as the character has the desire and Momentum to spend.
I tried running JCoM but I hadn’t trouble with this rule. I’m hoping there is some example from the developers that illustrates it working as intended so I can understand how it works differently from Conan and Star Trek.
Please don’t respond with “house rule it if it doesn’t work.” This thread is about understanding the rule not liking, disliking, or changing it.
hmm. I asked because you originally asked a different question. About that one, as far as I can tell, theres no example of that rule’s usage written. Maybe look it up in the AP videos…?
It sounds like I’ll have to. I’m not a fan of AP videos for this sort of thing simply because I don’t watch them for entertainment and they’re generally produced for entertainment meaning the rules-learning value is diminished.
Werlynn, I’m not sure I understand your question exactly. Are you looking for a written example of limits placed on momentum usage? I don’t know if my thoughts on this will help, but here goes: The paragraph you quoted in your original post says that you can only use momentum once per round, but some usages are repeatable. As I understand it, that means that some usages have text that says that momentum can be used multiple times. Here’s an example: Create Opportunity is a repeatable Momentum usage. You can only use it once per test (max three d20), but you can use it on several different actions during that same round. If you have an additional attack or something, you could use momentum on both attacks.
I hope this helps… but I’ve probably completely missed the point. Still learning the system. If you do find an answer, please post it here?
The way I read it is that it’s distinctly different from Conan or Star Trek—that you can’t use it the way you described. If I want to use momentum on my attack I can repeat the momentum spend to get up to 3 extra dice. Now I’ve used the momentum this round so if I want more damage I can only get it from the doom pool. Then when I’m attacked later that round I want to defend myself, again I’ve already used momentum so it’s doom only. I asked last year after running the game and having trouble and got that confirmation.
I don’t want to house-rule it out, I want to understand it and use it correctly. It’s there for a reason. I don’t want to mess with it without understanding it and I feel like I’m missing something because it didn’t feel right. That’s why I wish there was a “working as intended” example of play that didn’t ignore the rule.
There’s a few other replies about it in that thread from last year.
I really did misunderstand. I hope you find an answer for this; I’ll be following this thread. BTW, what’s “Doomed”? Is that in Conan? I don’t see it in JCoM.
The full Quotation starting in the preceding column is:
“Most Momentum spends can only be used
once on any given attribute test or effect. In action
scenes (described later in the Action Scenes section),
a character can only use Momentum once in any
round. However, some Momentum spends are
described as repeatable. This means they can be
used as frequently as the character has the desire
and Momentum to spend.”
To me, that reads that any given nonrepeatable momentum spend ie ‘counterstrike’ or ‘reduce the time required’ may only be used once per round but I could use repeatable options like ‘improve the odds’ or "increase the quality of success’ on all actions throughout the round.