A Question of Momentum

Hullo, folks,

I understand the maximum Momentum a character can have is equal to their lowest Attribute, but… When is this value enforced?

Thanks. :slight_smile:


Page 53:

The maximum amount of Momentum that can be saved in a pool is equal to the owning character’s lowest attribute. Any points of excess Momentum are discarded.

With the narrator’s permission, players can contribute Momentum to a fellow player’s pool, but the total still cannot exceed the character’s lowest attribute.

Hullo, Katowice,

Thanks for replying to the question…

So, does this mean that a player with a low Attribute of 4 can never have more than 4 Momentum in their pool at any time? (Even having to discard Momentum in excess if they decide not to spend it right away?)


Yes, he does.
An example: a character with a low attribute of 3 and a momentum pool of one manages to achieve six successes on a test with DN 2. Normally he would gain 4 momentum increasing his momentum pool to five, but because of his low attribute (3) his momentum pool can only hold three momentum. So two of the four momentum he gains are automatically discarded.

EDIT: The example is only correct, if you do not use the gained momentum.

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IIRC though they spend what they like and then it goes into the pool, where it is capped. So in the example they could spend 4 momentum, or even give it to an ally (with permission) and then save two rather than have it wasted.

You are correct.

Hullo, Carafang, Grendel,

That’s the information that I was looking for. I don’t know whether it’s because I’m feeling particularly foolsh/stupid at the moment or just how I read the material on this in the book, but it didn’t seem clear.

Thanks for clarifying this for me, both of you. :smile:


I think the intent of the limit is for the players to use their Momentum to perform heroic feats and also because each player gets his own pool. In some of the other 2d20 games I play (Conan and Star Trek), there’s a group pool for Momentum, which caps at 6.

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Hullo, Katowice,

Yeah, given the individual Momentum pools in John Carter and the genre of the characters being played, the limit makes a lot of sense and keeps the Momentum flowing.
