A few days ago I got an email telling me about the new private playtest forums for the Fallout 2d20 playtest. The email told us playtesters to register to the forums using the same email address we used to sign up for the playtest. I already have such an account and support told me I should be fine. BUT I can’t seem to find the private forums anywhere. Either I am blind or something is not working as intended. Could someone please point me into the right direction or help fix the issue?
Relax! You will get an email when the beta test forum will be open. I can’t see that forum either.
Ah! So they are not open yet. I’ll be patient then.
Soooo, any update if it will be happening today. Office hours (UK) nearly over.
We’re still on track to send invites out today.
If you don’t hear anything over the weekend please contact support@modiphius.com with the e-mail you used to both sign up to this forum AND the NDA.
Cheers for the update.
Yes, thank you!
You should all be able to see the forum now. Let me know if you can’t.
It worked for me. Thanks
I’m in the private forums but can’t access any of the playtest materials, I guess it’s just sort of rolling out slowly as they are able to send it instead of 1 massive comms.
I do not see any 2d20 Fallout beta related forum.
Did you receive a playtest invite email and sign the NDA?
Yes I did, downloaded the material. There are soooo many things to talk about…-
I guess I see where there problem might come from. I signed up for the NDA twice because of a mixup in my autofill adding in the wrong email . I talked with the staff and they said that would be ok and should not be a problem.
Injust checked the email with the beta material access, It was was send to that wrongly added email adress. I created the forum account with the one I indended to use.
I guess the special forum access was then granted for that „other“ email too…
I send an email to support.
Hello.This should be solved.
Thank you!
Hi there!
You should have received an email with a link to the playtest material a little while back, its worth checking through emails or other folders (especially on gmail) and spam boxes. If not, keep an eye out this week as the updated beta will be sent out via email!
Just as a note, we’ll be sending out invites every week on a friday afternoon for anyone who missed signing up in time for the first invite. We can only invite you to the private forum if you’re signed up to our forums with the same email that you’re receiving emails about the playtest on. If you’re not signed up, the system cant send you an invite!
If you signed up before Friday, and don’t receive an invite by the weekend then contacting support is the best way to go, but we’re sending out invites everyweek so no one gets missed! Its worth noting that we can only add those who’s emails we have from signing up (for example, we can add playtest group players, just the person who’s receiving the playtest material).
Hello! I haven’t gotten the updated beta email, or the invite to the beta forum. What am I missing?
I’ve also not received either the updated beta rules or the invite to the forum.