Fallout 2d20 release date?

Do we have a release date for the 2d20 game yet?
I pre-ordered and got the RPG expansion but was kinda disappointed to find out that it wasn’t 2d20.

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In the fullness of time

The closed beta test is advertising for playtesters now: https://buff.ly/35Cl7yo

are we allowed to let other people now about it?

It’s plastered all over Modiphius’ public social media sites, so I don’t see any reason not to share it here.

I only knew about it because I was emailed about it

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Fair enough. I didn’t see anything on the form to indicate current VD or playtester status, or even any questions about your playtest experience… which has me a little worried it might be some sort of random lottery. So hopefully not too many other people sign up!

I was left under the same impression that they might just pull names from a pool of names submitted. I’ve been playing RPGs since the 80’s and typically prefer pen and paper RPGs to tabletop wargaming. Kind of hoping I get picked because I’d really love to give the game a play and have been excited about an official roleplaying game for this for a long time now.

Yeah, I’ve been gaming since the 80s as well, and playtesting for… wow, more than 10 years too now, across a number of big name industry players.
I’m also pretty excited about this, and it’d be a shame to miss out. Unless it’s more of a marketing thing (some companies do that these days…), I don’t see the value in not selecting your playtesters based on merit. Maybe they’ll follow up everyone who indicated interest with a more in depth application process?

Hi there!

We haven’t announced a release date yet for Fallout 2d20. If you’re signed up to our newsletters or follow us on social media, you’ll be notified as soon as we do though!

As for the closed beta play test, we’ve had an incredibly massive amount of interest even just over the first day!

Due to the sheer volume of people who are interested in playtesting as well as wanting to have playtesters from all levels of experience and gaming background, there is no application process other than signing up at the public link. When the sign up period is over, we are selecting a number of people who have signed up to be invited to the closed beta at random from those who have applied.

We know Fallout is incredibly popular among our fans and gamers of all experience levels and backgrounds, and wanted to ensure everyone had a fair chance at taking part in the closed beta for such an exciting project. Both long standing players and GMs, and those new to the hobby all have the ability to give us incredibly important feedback, and both perspectives are vital to making a game that is enjoyable for long time players and those who are just finding their way to the table alike.

I hope that clears up any confusion regarding the release date or the closed beta test.


Follow 2d20 Fallout here? Or watch for a new dedicated forum?

Just came here to wait for the Fallout 2d20 system. I’m basically playing with a version of it cobbled together from various systems already.

currently the Beta is stalled because Modiphius was on lockdown

Any updates on this heading into December?

As they’re yet to get Achtung! Cthulu 2D20 to market (albeit it soon) I imagine the Fallout version is still a ways off

But if someone more knowledgeable has details, by all means :smiley:

I can’t see this coming out until summer next year at earliest but i hope to be pleasently surprised. :grinning: