Finding each other out in the wasteland

I didn’t get a request in before the deadline, so there’s no “official” game at Norwescon. But I’ll be bringing my gear and may be able to squeeze in a session.

I’m near Tupelo, Mississippi. I hope to be able to make it either The Cellar, Mid-South Games, or 901 Games in the future.

Jealous man…i hope to really get back into this game with the new campaign book…im in Alton,Il

Just picked up a starter set myself. Also in the US - Seattle, WA area.

@gallowsCalibrator are you still playing? Do you know of any local groups that meet up?

Country: Australia
State: NSW

Norman Oklahoma
In the U.S

@lilfett i still play! I usually play at Mox Bellview or Geeky Villain in Everett. I havent found other players really just help people who are interested. You looking for a game?

Country: Australia
State: TAS
City: Hobart

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Oh, good to hear! I’d love to give it a shot.

I haven’t played at all yet, so I might try to solo one of the AI missions some night this week. Let me know what your availability is like and maybe we can meet up at Mox? (I’m in Renton, so that’s not too far for me!). Should be around this weekend but I guess PM or whatever and we’ll figure it out :slight_smile:

I’m working this weekend, mox is going to be swamped anyway because of the con. I’m Loren Lower on facebook send me a pm there because i cant figure out pms here.

I’m not entirely sure there is a pm system here to figure out…


Oh good its not just me

Ok, for a minute I thought I was just locked out or something as a new user. Thanks @AlxRaven!

George of Jungle. Only here to help.

Cool - hit me up when things calm down for you! I messaged you on fb, but it’s not showing as received. Maybe a privacy setting or something. If that doesn’t work feel free to email me (Ethan) at

Haha So there are a few 'strayans here, where in NSW are you?
I’m Eden, South coast NSW. Pretty much Victoria at this point. It’s a killer finding people down here.
(That’s Australia for you Northern hemisphere bunch).


Wagga, mate. A fair way from the ol border.

Moving up to the Washington D.C. (USA) area in the next few weeks, if anyone knows of an established community up there!

Welcome. I’m in Reston, about 30 minutes outside of D.C. A friend and I play almost once a week.

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Awesome, will have to look you guys up! If you know of any good stores or social media groups, shoot me a PM if you would