Errata & FAQ submission thread

P 15 of HOTE ‘…as detailed on Page 34.’ should be page 32 (or 32-33).

Page 89 of rulebook
“Berserker Rage” does not have a corresponding page reference.
Should be - * Berserker Rage. (P.72)

Page 73 of rulebook
It says “ if the Power Strike Boost is used”.
There is only “Power Attack” or “Precision Strike”.
It should be “Power Attack boost ” as that requires the Y dice.

Upgrade Ranged card
“Iron Throwing Knife” attack range isn’t clear. It should be written as
Short Range: STR (attribute) + 3”
to give the the total maximum attack range (as it was written on the previous misprint card in Chap.1 box).

There are a few creases that need ironing in the card decks too…

Upgrade Weapon (Unarmed) card - The 1.1 errata says that this should be a “double handed” weapon not a “one handed”, but the second printed card in the Chapter 2 deck has not been corrected. It is also shown as a “one handed” weapon.

Dragon Shout (Throw Voice) card - Chapter 1 printed card says Range (8”) yet Chapter 2 printed card says Range (9”)

Quest Card (Taking Care of Business:Part One 1e #124) - The card is missing is “Battle Mode” symbol on the front.

Upgrade (Armour) Stormcloak Officer Armour - Chapter 2 card has the words (Melee Only) next to the added Oblivion effect symbol. The previous 2 same cards from Chapter 1 do not. Does this Armour item protect from Ranged/Magic attack damage or just from close up melee?

Upgrade (Amour) Executioners Robes 1.039 card - This card is missing the (*) special rules symbol, the same as the the “Executioners Axe” card was (mentioned in the 1.1 errata).

Master Treasure (Potion of Ultimate Magick/Stamina/Health) cards - Chapter 1 Although all “Master Treasure” Cards, the “Potions of Ultimate Magicka/Health/Stamina” cards are only titled as “Treasure” unlike every other Master Treasure. Im not sure this is intentional or not, but the Deadly Poison is titled as Master Treasure too so I guessing maybe not.

Treasure (Poachers Axe) card - This card is missing its treasure type symbol i.e. Junk, Consumable, Bonus, Superior item…

Cheers Guys! Keep up the good work!

Page 80 “Force”
Punctuation is incorrect, spaces in paragraph are not necessary, worded a little poorly.
It should really read as:

“possible. However, if the pushed model MAKES CONTACT WITH Impassable Terrain, any scenery piece that counts as cover OR another model, it’s MOVEMENT immediately ends and the pushed model receives a staggered token.”


Punctuation second sentence:
“To fall a greater distance than it’s height”
Should be…
“to fall a greater distance than its height”

Page 46 “Rune”
Spelling mistake
“within range AND LoS”

Also found some mistakes in the Errata V1.1 booklet.

Page 5 in the 1.1 Errata says there is missing information based around Bound Armour spell subtypes on page 45 of the rulebook. The information on Spell Subtypes is actually found on page 47 of the rulebook.

Page 3 of the 1.1 Errata Sneak. The last part of the replacement sentence is incorrect, it should say “without either OF the MODELS becoming Engaged.” or “without either model becoming Engaged.”

Same again on P.8 of the 1.1 Errata. Keywords (between Staggered and Terrifying) says page 77, it is supposed to be page 78.

Page 11 of 1.1 Errata/Page 96 of rulebook. This isn’t a necessary correction, there is no mistake present.

Page 8 of the 1.1 errata “Page 76 Special Rules (after 1st paragraph) add: LIMITED USE ABILITY (X)” is incorrect.
It should be on Page 75 (in between LIGHTWEIGHT and LINEBREAKER special rules).

I want to create a character that use conjuration as main focus. But only Babette has the conjuration symbol. Can every person from the path of magic use any spell but without the crit benefit? I don´t find the information in the rulebook.

Correct; it’s detailed in the Core Rulebook on page 90. A Hero from the Path of Sorcery can equip and use any spell, even if they don’t have the requisite Skill and use the associated Attribute instead (and yes, they can’t score Criticals).

Thank you for your fast responds. It is hard to find a specific information in this 100 mixed up pages :slight_smile:

No worries. It’s only mixed up if you can’t find the bit you’re currently looking for :stuck_out_tongue:

The layout does make some sense, though they’re currently looking at making it more intuitive. It’s a deep game, I love that element, much as it takes a hell of a lot of flicking through the book at the start.

Just to duplicate the Facebook response; I don’t believe this is an error at all. The Orc Barbarian’s ‘Berserker’ rule is written as intended and it’s a streamlined version of ‘Berserker Rage’ which is more an ability and Orc Hero will get.

Few Questions:

“Imperial Luck” Race Trait
Does the 1 test score result apply to both skill and attribute tests as it doesn’t specify?

Resistance (Frost)
With frost resistance there is no “frozen” damage token applied like fire and poison (since such a token doesn’t exist).
Instead you get a - Y dice stamina penalty.

If resistant to Fire or Poison, as well as the armour boost (R dice) you roll an Endurance attribute test to see if Burning or Poison damage effect token is applied.

Is the same Wisdom attribute test taken to avoid the Stamina penalty effect from a frost attack if you are frost resistant?

This would make sense as you are technically resistant to the effects of frost. So why would you lose stamina in a frost attack, when there is an Attribute test in defence against the effects of burning and poison if you have a resistance to either of those?

The Spell Fast Healing is not worth taking when compared to the spell Healing.

Fast Healing costs 10 Septims to equip. It costs 2 magicka to cast to roll 1 red for a 50% chance to heal 1 wound, 33% chance to heal 2 wounds and 17% chance to heal 3 wounds.

Healing costs 8 Septims to equip. It costs 1 magicka to cast to heal one wound, is easier to cast with -2 to the roll, and can be boosted Infinite. I am spending 2 magicka to guarantee to heal 2. Same cost in Magika to cast as fast healing, easier to cast and costs less to equip.

There is no reason to equip/use Fast Healing. It’s a harder chance to cast and then a 16% to heal 3 wounds for 2 Magicka, but risk 50% chance to only heal heal one? Looks like it needs “Restores 1 health point + red dice”. For the Septim, modifier and Magicka casting costs, this adjustment would make it worth it. Or maybe a dice icon to roll another die, reduced Septim cost or a modifier to cast the spell to make it easier. Or more than one/all of them. The basic Healing spell is pretty good for what it does.

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That’s a pretty fair assessment to be honest; I rarely use Fast Healing for those reasons.

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Hello everyone, such a question, on the “Blade of woe” card, for Astrid, the keywords say “light”, does this mean “lightweight” or some other rule?

Tell me how to play the Ready token, when a model with a Hidden token comes into contact with a model, first the Hidden token is discarded for completing an action 6 from the enemy model, then the Ready token is unlocked, or first the hidden model passes the Sneak test, and if it passes, then the token Ready is not possible to play, if not, is it possible to use Ready?

Any Errata for Card Pack 2 ? Mainly for Spell - missing + and - Skill dice modification - only numbers withou + -

Good afternoon, I found a mistake on the Ebonheart Pact farcism map, in the party composition all three conditions are the same as in the Daggerfall covenant.The question is, how should it be?

Hi there, question about the enchanting skill.
Can it be used mid game to enchant weapons? The stormcloak quartermaster has 2 magicka, but cant take spells… so it seems he can use it in a battle??

Not to my knowledge no (don’t believe they have an associated magicka cost).

Some characters do have stats or special rules that don’t currently have a known value/use (Legate Fasendil is another example) but are included for future proofing or purely thematic purposes.

Also, the green dice has icons on it that can activate extra boosts depending on what armor you have. So it just gives extra chances to get those bonuses as well.

I recently acquired the starter sets and have begun playing the game. Resulting from this, I have three questions/clarifications I can’t find answers for elsewhere:

  1. The draugr overlord’s card says his attitude is cautious, but the example on page 66 of the core rulebook says his attitude is aggressive. Which is the misprint?

  2. What is the purpose of the numbers on the poison tokens? Do different poisons have different strength levels, thereby also explaining how there could be multiple unnumbered health tokens causing multiple reserve damage in one activation? The three paragraph explanation on page 76 confuses me.

  3. Lastly, on page 5 of the errata update, it adds that dragon shouts are a special action. Does this mean a character can attack and shout as his/her two actions, or are some shouts by nature of their targeting types (like spells) still considered melee/range attacks?

Thank you in advance for the answers,