About the Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms category

Fus Ro Dah!

Welcome to the Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms section!

Chat about the upcoming game, or anything else related to Elder Scrolls.


I’ll have to grab some Elder Scrolls minis, at the very least, but what would really interest me would be if there are any plans for an Elder Scrolls tabletop RPG to come out (perhaps 2d20 system?) in the future.

Anyway, I’ll be eagerly awaiting any preview pictures or other hints of what might be coming out in the series. I look forward to getting a Khajit mini and painting it up as Inigo, my favorite chatty mod-added sidekick (who has something to say about just about everything :smiley: ).

Some sort of a Hearthfire modular building terrain builder would be nice. :wink: (Custom-build your own Hearthfire lodge, or perhaps use the bits to make a small village?)

This game seems similar to Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and they announced that there will be a RPG format for that game. I imagine that it wouldn’t be to hard to come up with one for this game as well.

Adding my shout to the chorus. Fingers crossed for an official Elder Scrolls rpg

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I was excited to see the new ruined monastery and northern settlement sets but wasn’t too keen on the idea that they are on card stock. Will you be creating STL files? I am a big fan of the western watchtower set and would enjoy the opportunity to print, assemble and paint these newer terrain pieces.

Hi Duogriff

These sets are actually by the clever folks over at Battle Systems. We’ve worked with them for a while on stuff, they produced our Red Rocket set for Fallout:Wasteland Warfare. Their new sets fit in really well with the Elders Scrolls style, but weren’t created by us. We will be producing more Elder Scrolls STL’s in the future, so keep an eye out here, on the Modiphius and Elder Scrolls: Call to ARms Facebook pages, Discord and Twitter.


Hi! I have a quick rules question I have been having trouble finding an answer for. when an adversary reacts to an activated model completing an action within 6" does the reaction interrupt the activated model’s turn? or does the activated model complete both of it’s actions and then the adversary reacts?

I’m confused because in the rulebook on pg.61 it says the adversary reacts once the activated model finishes it’s activation. Which makes me think they complete both actions. But in the actions section of the rulebook there is a small blurb stating that sometimes an activated player will have to pause their turn to let an adversary react. Which makes me think if the activated model has a second action they wait till the adversary completes their reaction…
Any Help would be great! Thanks for working on such an awesome game!

Unless there is a special rule that says otherwise (and there are) the Reacting Adversary gets it’s Activation AFTER the player has completed both their Actions. An exception to this would say something like the Adversary Reacts Immediately and Interrupts the players action.

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Anyone know which suppliment the rules for the Dragon Priest are in?

They’re due to come with the Draugr as a Player faction rules which are hopefully with us in the not too distant future. Presumably they’ll have Aversary versions in the same supplement.

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Tried to play my first game of elder scrolls today at club and hit a problem. The card for the “draugr greatsword warriors” has no number after the “punishing” key word. I downloaded the errata but it seems this card is not one fixed by the errata. What is the number that should have followed the “punishing” rule?

Unless otherwise specified (which hasn’t been the case yet) it is always a 1 for these things.

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If there’s no number, it’s assumed to be (1). This was clarified in the Chapter 1 card pack but thought it had been added to the Errata.

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First I want to say that miniatures look amazing and I cant wait to get to test playing with them. Still planning what kind of order I am going to do.

I would like to know before ordering. Does Bleak Falls Barrow Delve only include female Dragonborn or is there option to build him as male also?

Would it be possible to release Imperial/Stormcloak bundle with starter pack being also resin option? Since everything else in them is resin.

Lastly for future models. If you make more of “priest” type models like Priestess of Arkey and Priest of Talos. Maybe have them wearing disctinct amulets that feature ingame. As there is Amulet of Arkay, Amulet of Stendarr, Amulet of Talos etc. Each of those Amulets have unique look and would make Priest models more distinct. Just idea that came into my head.

Good day to all. There was such a question, I’m trying now to play for Draugrov, and I ran into such moments, there are no cards on Skeleton Axemen, but there are already models; Also Restless Draugr with Ax in fact with a shield and an ax, and the map does not indicate the presence of a shield, I would like to understand if this is a mistake, or it should be so; Draugr Archer does not have skill marks on the map found in the download section.
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Hi stHonor

Are you looking at the cards in the Chapter 1 Card Pack or the ones in the Draugr Faction rules?



On cards that are specified in the rules for the Draugr faction.

Well spotted, then. They should be the same as the stats in the regular card packs. We’ll get this updated.


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Thank you!

Thanks for the answer