Dune Beta Test Open

I have been waiting for this game for 25 years now :slight_smile: .

We started the beta playtest yesterday afternoon.

I love the scenario !

We played 3 hours. The party stopped at the arrival at the Residence.


Where should I drop a line if we’ve signed up and not received them?

My group uses Discord, there is a function to join side conversations outside the current chat, perfect for those tips, and “only-you-notice” moments. We mostly use audio only, but they have video functions as well. We also use a number of bots that help with managing things, such as DiceParser for die rolls, Rythm for playing music (uses youtube links), and Craig for recording the session. Discord is also a full forum system, similar to Slack, so you can have a one stop shop for all the campaign materials.

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So I’ve had the play test documents for more than a week, my group has run through the play test (twice), and I also have an email explaining what the closed forum is and how to to offer feedback, etc. But no link to the closed forum in email nor here on this site.

We’ve got plenty of notes, but a sudden feeling of not wanting to go any further with this because we can’t join others in their Dune reindeer games.

One new rpg player stopped a write up of their experience because “why do homework, if you can’t turn it in” and another wonders about joining another play test group who signed up last Wednesday and yesterday received their play test documents and their invitation a few minutes apart.

Silliness. I’m the gm, so maybe a week or so I’ll check in here again and see if I have eyes to see the hidden forum and share some feedback, but it would be nice if someone could let me know why I have documents & an email explaining how to use the forum but no link to it. We’re all a bit confused and certainly our entire group’s enthusiasm suffered a blow being eager to offer feedback but now just sitting here in limbo like a sandworm without a Dune.

Take care. :upside_down_face:

There has been an email sent out saying that they will do the main import of members to the beta test forum on Tuesday morning at 9am.
You just need to make sure that the ones who want to be on that section have signed up to the forums using the email that was submitted with your application.

A couple of us were used a test cases to make sure things would go smoothly when they did the main import.

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Andy: FYI and if you weren’t aware, the virtual Gencon offers multiple sessions of the closed beta one-shot, Desert Fall. Here’s just one: https://www.gencon.com/events/186806.

Hey Everyone.

Just popping my head in here:

If you had a Forum account before Friday Morning, and Signed on for the Beta, you should see the beta section for dune on the forum (I just did them so 100% if you can’t we have a problem)

If both of these apply, and you don’t see it, on Monday I’m going to do another big invite set at the end of the day to get everyone in at once (quite a few people did not see their email).

If your forum email and your Beta email are different, or you waited until Tuesday and STILL can’t see it, email me at support@modiphius.com with the title

Dune Closed Beta Forum Invite

and I will have it logged and added on the weekdays (I can’t always guarantee I will catch them on the weekends)

I apologise for those of you that feel frustrated at having to wait, but I am trying to catch as many people as I can to get into the forums, so please bear with me.


I m testing the adventure tomorrow and i have a fremen lore question. Can someone explain to me how one can imagine “water tokens” being used by the Fremen? What do they look like?


Nothing in my emails about Tuesday, but I see Lloyd responded—Hello, Lloyd. Little slow tonight, isn’t it?—below.

Thank you. I’m a patient person, but not one who enjoys confused patience. So if it’s only being patient—I’ll check back on Monday or look for an email for further instructions.

Thank you.


Actually… can you confirm you can’t see the forums? I think you’re already in there with the new import.

I can see and post in the new beta test forums fine.

I was just passing on the information in the email I received at 3.30 about the 9am Tuesday timing.

Oh sweet! No sweat. Was worried I messed up there

(I’ll just go back to bed now okaybai)

I’ve just created a Custom Character sheet for Dune on Roll20, once the Closed Beta forum is open, I’ll try to post the HTML and Stylesheet for it so others can use it. I think it contains too much of the “secret” info to post it in the Open. I also created a single Macro to make the Skill Tests. I’ll include info on how to apply it to a new Roll20 game.


Thanks, Mick! My group will be beta testing via Roll20 and can certainly use that.

Came back to here the forum and found the access I’d been missing. The spice did help me see! :crazy_face:

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Please do share the sheet on the private forum! :wink:

Water Rings: small rings, size denoting a value in liters. Significance exceeds water values/currency.

Source: Terminology of Dune, appendix of Dune (Vol I)

Note: Channi wears hers in her hair.

My headcanon has copper, silver, gold, and palladium rings, ranging from 1 to 5 cm diameter, and 1-5mm thickness, with distinct milled marks denoting which storage they are issued from. I would expect that the value also is milled in so they can be sorted by touch, too.

Yup, that’s the wrecking crew, they’re running some demo games for us.

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Yup, we thought we’d give everyone a week to read and sort their sessions before asking for feedback. We underestimated how quickly you might dive in :slight_smile: Double points though to your team.

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I’ve been reviewing the game mechanics and I have to say I feel that the play will go smoothly and I like how conflict is handled within the game…can’t wait to play this with my friends