Dune 2 thoughts **spoiler free**

Just came back from the theatre and I’m not really sure how I feel about this film. There have been some notable omissions (that to me don’t make any sense considering where the film leaves off) as well as some major plot changes that I feel are questionable.

However, given that there will apparently be a third installment, perhaps these loose ends will be incorporated later - or otherwise tidied up.

I think overall, I feel a little disappointed.

Things I did like:

  • Jessica grew a spine. I thought she was portrayed as a weak character in the first film, but here she hardens up,
  • The way Paul is shown to be a reluctant leader, a pawn of Bene Gesserit preparation and planning,further added to by his mother’s machinations

Things I didn’t really like:

  • stuff I alluded to above which I’m sure you’ll notice when you see the film for yourselves.
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I was amazed by how much the love story between Chani and Paul was brought out to good effect. I was amazed and enjoyed riding the worms across the desert, especially through the storms. The parallels in storytelling between the first movie and this movie were well thought out and intentional.

The changes that were made will not affect the beginning of Dune Messiah which is what the 3rd chapter will be, allegedly.

I loved the movie and I loved the first one. This had more “action” of course because it was the climax of the the first part as a book, Dune. The director is a master in storytelling, visually, and doesn’t leave out world building. I felt like there was as much in this one as the last one, which is astounding considering that the last film laid the groundwork.

The previous film was more like watching a beautiful desert sunset turn into a terrible storm. This is that storm.


The final scenes are a change from how the book ends and makes me think that the 3rd film will start earlier than Messiah.

I was in two minds about it. I will need to see part 3 to decide, but after being initially sceptical I am coming round to it. It fits better with how the relationship has developed over the course of the film.

Overall the elements that were cut I largely understand. DV had to cut somewhere and of the 3 characters who were effectively removed I agree that 2 of them are smaller and ‘expendable’. The 3rd character is sort of present, but given the timescales it makes sense. It will be interesting to see how DV handles them in Part 3.

I’m still processing and will be going again with my gaming group (easy Christmas presents :sweat_smile:) which will give me a chance to watch it again knowing the foreshadowing.

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I’ve really enjoyed both films, and my enjoyment deepened on repeat viewings. DV is a masterful filmmaker. Of course I wished he’d been able to keep in some of the minor characters who were cut, and I still think Dean Stockwell’s Yueh is the definitive version, but all in all I’m very happy and looking forward to Dune Messiah.

I agree - I think with Dune Messiah DV is going to fold in some stuff from Paul of Dune, which IIRC has some flashbacks to Caladan, and also covers the actual holy war in some detail, so bridges the gap between books 1&2.

From my point of view, Dune 2 is still the best adaptation of the book to film… but still not a true-to-the-book one.

The De Laurentis & Lynch 1984 movie got the look right, and the passage of time right, but mangled the plot a little and the dialogue a good bit.

The SyFy miniseries did more book dialogue, but for me, got almost all the visuals wrong, and got the house colors dead wrong. (Their costume director noted in an interview he hadn’t read the novels…only the cliff notes.)

At least in this edition, the look is right and the plot is largely intact, just a few details wrong… one of them important.

That makes sense, except…

Look at who DV cast for Alia. I think he definitely intends to have her in the third movie, but I don’t see how that can possibly work if the gap between Dune and Messiah is shrunk down from the 12 years it is in the books.

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True, but if he intends to go with that actress in Messiah then he would have to stretch the timeline out to at least 16 years.

Either way he is going to have to alter the timeline by shrinking/stretching it or have a mid-film time jump.
Though given how he did parts 1 & 2 he doesn’t seem to like time jumps.

Will be interesting to see how he intends to tie up the film ending to the start of Messiah or if he intends to make a clearer break going forward. Possibly with the events of the book being shown more in the visions?

Alia of the Knife killing Baron Harkonnen in books and in 1984 version was so nice.
Dune is a long time book.
I think the last adaptation can’t handle the long time. A 2 years pause with a battle montage should have been here.
Alicia Witt spooked me when I saw the movie for the first time. And because of the Spice actors don’t have to age.
I’m pessimistic for Dune 2

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