Blue Dice Check

Recently opened my starter box and cannot find the black Dice. I received my package only a few days ago and dont think I misplaced them. I have no problem with buying another pack of dice easily but was curious if anyone else have found that they were missing dice in their two player starter box?

Latham, if you havenā€™t already, please send email to explaining what happened. Theyā€™ll get you fixed up.

Bought a starter on a convencion, didnā€™t know about the dice problem until I got home. To bad i wanted to promote the game on local event. Welp now i have to wait for replacement, but still no response from Modiphius


I picked up a 2 player starter and they had the incorrect blue dice. I filled out the PDF but didnā€™t get a confirmation that anything was sent. Is there any way to check that you got my response?

I submitted one a few days ago as well and didnā€™t get a response email. I donā€™t think the system sends one.

My response took about a week to arrive. Unfortunately it was just to say the request was being forwarded to the parts dept. That response was 09Oct and I havenā€™t heard anything since. Soā€¦ it may take a bit to get a response. Canā€™t tell you what happens after that thoughā€¦

I got the automated response saying they would reach me within a day unless they were swamped. Based on the amount of responses on this forum about the Blue Dice issue I would hazard a guess that they are swamped indeed. Personally based on the quality of the set and the feeling from the responses i am not worried about a slower response.

Also as an aside i for one have standard 12 siders and am happy they gave us a breakdown i can use while waiting.

Has anyone actually received an updated response from Modiphius on when or if we can expect to get our hands on some replacement blue dice for those of us who bought the starter and got the misprinted ones? I opened a ticket with them about 5 or so days ago and have heard not a word from them. If it is a matter of shipping costs I would gladly cover the cost of shipping to get the corrected dice.

The dice are in the process of being made. As soon as they arrive, they will be shipped out to the people needing them.

since its a d12 what number would correspond to what symbol. i of course do not have a correct blue dice so i can not compare. perhaps some one in the forum has one and can compare the relationship of the symbols to the number on a d12. it can be useful until i can get a replacement from modiphius.

Go here

And download the file called Dice Faces

Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone has got a response about getting the correct dice. I sent an email about mine being wrong on the 20th of this month, and as of now I still havenā€™t gotten a response.

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Same here man Iā€™ve submitted it three timesā€¦i understand that it takes time thatā€™s not a problemā€¦just some sort of response would be coolā€¦

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And when can we expect the replacement? Itā€™s almost month since I reported the issue and after one email asking for my adress nothing is going on.

Dice are in the wharehouse today. Sorting, picking, packing, and shipping out to do. They should go out early next week.

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So should we be expecting a reply back from the emails soon then? Or should we send in another request if we havenā€™t gotten a reply yet?

You should be getting a shipping notice. If yoi donā€™t get one please send an inquiry to

Update from Jon Webb;

Evening all,

Just wanted to give a quick update to where we are with replacement parts.

Joel, James and Adam have done a great job over the last two weeks, and have processed around 400 replacement parts requests on top of their usual duties.

Iā€™ve been updating tickets and emailed 230 of you today to confirm your parts were on route. Iā€™ve got 50 more tickets tomorrow plus a batch of 160 dice requests that were submitted through the survey to contact. These requests have been actioned and will be on route tomorrow if not already.

That leaves us with around 150 requests that we are waiting on stock for, or for replies with address details (a few tickets donā€™t have addresses, so we canā€™t ship you the parts).

After that, a fresh download of the support desk tickets to catch any stragglers and we should be ok.

If you put in a ticket and havenā€™t heard yet, please give us till the end of the week before chasing, as you may have been processed but not yet emailed.

Thanks as ever for your patience with this, we know itā€™s frustrating, but the end is in sight.


Received mine in San Antonio, TX. Thanks.

Just received mine in Illinois. Thanks modiphius!