Bene Gesserit book?

I seem to recall that coverage of the Bene Gesserit was delayed until the new TV series comes out. I just saw that it’s out in November. Does that mean that a BG book is in the offing?

Nothing official has been released about the future product line.

Unfortunately Modiphius staff don’t get a sneak peak at any new shows coming out (except occasionally some artwork) so they will be watching the new TV show themselves to ensure anything they have prepped still works within the new canon.

Then you have licensing, approvals, etc, etc…

I’m not expecting any new books this year, so it will probably be in 2025 before we hear of a BG book. :sleepy:

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Now that the show has started any news?
(Love Olivia Williams reminds me a bit of Adelle de Witt in Dollhouse)