Any more info on Dune at Gencon?

I find STA mechanically a bit of a mixed bag, @Doc-Savage. So I’m cautiously hoping.

In STA you are playing a character who is at the peak of their career in starfleet and therefore there is little room to expand from there so the game is more about the story and challenging your characters short comings than character advancement as such

Conan and Infinity however are what I’d define as more of the regular style with full options for character advancement and I would be surprised if this was not what they where aiming for with both Fallout 2D20 and Dune 2D20

I’m one of those Dune fans that believes the intrigue and politics are the main point.

I tend to think we will not see a 2D20 in the style of JCoM, STA, MC3 or Conan. I think we will see something new…


I think Infinity is quite a good system for dune

I have a copy, but I have never actually read it. It is all I can do to keep up with the few games I actually play :frowning_face:

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I’m hoping there is a mechanic that ties characters to Houses in a meaningful way. In the old Chronicles of the Imperium rpg, Houses have their own set of attributes (Status, Wealth, Influence, Security) that can be employed and increased by special House/Narrative Ventures, a sort of special extended test between action scenes or as highlights during them. I like the idea of PCs being able to act on a larger scale, and having the differences among Houses baked into the mechanics rather than just fluff text. Sarah Newton does something similar in her Burn Shift setting for Fate.

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Reign by E. Stolze was a pioneer in this meta, so was the Birthright setting for DnD2.

Great sources of ideas.

I’m reading up on Reign via the second edition Kickstarter. Thanks for cluing me in!

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Well, the pioneer of community-based campaigns was Ars Magica with it’s troupe style play and Covenant rules. That game was about playing wizards in an authentically researched medieval European setting, but the design was an influence on lots of other games, including the Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium to a degree.

It provides a good model for building a House, I think and beuilding towards a politically driven game.


@aramis, do you have an elevator pitch on what the difference is between JCoM / STA vs Conan / MC3? Thanks.

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JCOM: att+att, talents. 2nd success on lower att.
STA: Att+Discipline (only 6 exist), talents. 2nd success on 1, or on Discipline if specialty applies.
MC3 and Conan: Att+Skill, Talents, Focus value for each skill separate from skill level. 2nd success on focus value. 20+ skills.

JCOM, MC3, and Conan have talent trees, where many talents require other talents. STA has very few talents with talent prerequisites.

One other thing of note: STA has exceptionally slow improvement, but frequent opportunity for adjustment.
The others all have fairly traditional 3-5 sessions per improvement at start, slowing with increased experience.

And apologies for this being so late.

And Att+Skill for Infinity with Focus for 2nd success

I’m part of the Wrecking Crew, the group that runs games for Modiphius at major cons. We will have a Dune presence. Be vigilant monitoring the GenCon event list. Our events are coming.

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I have no idea, but the Closed Beta is out. So I think they’re still ironing out some kinks. I’m playtesting it soon. I can’t talk about it due to the NDA, but it seems to be soonish…