Whilst we’re waiting for Wave 2 and 3 to kick off, I’m going to spring for some select Infinity miniatures for more variety in my settlers and scavengers. No one I play with is going to be upset at the 25mm vs 30mm bases, but it’ll bother me to no end. So, I’m looking at purchasing some 30mm scenic bases to replace the stock ones, and all I seem to be coming up with are ones with a weird round lip to them, which isn’t very fitting with the current aesthetic.
Again, I can live with it, just looking for other options, if anyone knows of a base manufacturer that does 30mm scenics (or even just thicker/non-flat 30mms, I can decorate them myself) that they’d recommend. Otherwise, I think I’ll end up keeping the 25mm and probably using plasticard to expand the base “footprint” to 30mm.
I’ve rebased all of my models on scenic bases by Secret Weapon Miniatures, mostly from the Urban Rubble, Urban Streets, and Trench Warfare themes. I’ve gotten them in 30mm, 40mm, and 50mm. I think they work really well! You can get them direct from Secret Weapon, or from your local game store if they do business with Golden Distribution.
I bought 50 plain 30mm bases from ebay. Only place I could find them. 32mm would have been better for the gamers as it gives us choices but 30mm flat bases are rare and was a weird choice in my mind for tabletop. 30mm lipped again would have given us all choice of alternative bases.
Fenris Games does a good selection of scenic bases, I’m not sure whether the profile you’re looking for is there for every type but it might be worth a look. https://fenrisgames.com/shop#!/Bases/c/6759447/offset=0&sort=normal
UK based and the casting is excellent. It can take a while for orders to ship though, he has other commitments for the rest of 2018. Details are on the website
Sadly those don’t seem to have 30mm flat profile which is what fallout models come with (even though the first diagram clearly has 30mm as the measurement). it’s just not a standard gaming base size so until the game is established it will be a struggle to find alternatives. Modiphius did mention very early on in their pre-order campaign that individual bases would be coming. until then i’ll build my own from plastic discs from china bought on ebay
I’ve re-based my miniatures on plain bases, got them from Hasslefree, but it seems they don’t have any 30mm at the moment. Maybe drop them a line when they’ll restock?
But plain ones shouldn’t be that hard to get… http://anvilindustry.co.uk/Plastic-Bases has them for example.
I think i may be a bit too picky, but while anvils are 30mm they are bevelled edged and appear higher than the modiphius provided bases. My own inner OCD does not allow me to have these sorts of variance, if anyone buys them and they are a good match I would be happy to be proved wrong
The boutique area of the site is very good though and I have stocked up on a few bits and pieces to add to my bases/scenery.
Dragonforge appear to be quite high like microart studio bases and would really stand out on the table
Thanks for the great suggestions! Looks like we already have a really solid & helpful community, and I’ll be looking into this further.
@Dave I must have missed the discussion about Modiphius planning bases eventually. That’s good news for those of us very persnickety about the cohesiveness of our miniature aesthetics.
@Dave Totally get the OCD angle. Like I said I have the ones from hasslefree, and they at least fit the bill very well. Pretty sure they don’t produce them themselves, so if one were to ask them they’d probably point you in the right direction.