Where is everyone?

Is there another community site i dont know about where people are discussing/sharing their ideas/games?
Cheers in advance?

In reddit, threads about Conan 2d20 can be found in the big /r/rpg subreddit, but due to the nature of it I find it too hard to follow. The forums of www.rpg.net is also another old place where you can find a lot of people, but has the same drawback as reddit.

I am always in favor of using the official forums if any… but it is just me :slight_smile:

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im the same mate- just noticed a lack of activity here. Ive only just come across the game (i live in backwoods Australia)- my daughter brought the game to my attention when she visited the city. IM VERY impressed with the system- and thats saying something as i am a die-hard Grognard. i have read through all of the forum posts here and am craving more info. ANy youtube videos you recommend Valyar?

I hope we get more movement here in time, as the forums are new (I haven’t seen the old one, don’t know how active they were). This game is fantastic and I definitely want to see more love for it. :smiley:

In regards to the YouTube videos, I can’t recommend any “stream-like” videos, as I can’t stand and watch those at all. It is either because the quality of the voice/video is ■■■■ or because it totally can’t ignite interest due to the bad GM-ing or lack of roleplaying from the group. If I have the time to watch a 3-4 session, I prefer either to play the game or do something else.

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We’ve got active communities for many of our games, including Conan, on Google Plus… but G+ is shutting down soon, so they’ll be migrating somewhere else.

Hopefully here.

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Many ppl migrated from G+ to MeWe. Here’s the link for the Conan group: https://mewe.com/group/5bbcb6d4a5f4e532eb250df8