What's next for Star Trek RPG

New standalone and new mission briefs pack released yesterday.


Around 5:30 in the Klingon Dice and Klingon Gamemaster Toolkit Unboxing Video on YouTube our benevolent line manager @Modiphius-Jim linked here in this forum, he mentions an upcoming Mission Brief Pack revolving around Starbases.

Love for those playing on a Starbase is something that was missing, a bit, so I’m very excited!


Would have to agree, MisterX. While the variety of mission, change of scene and ongoing cast of “guest stars” with a starship-based game has, is, and probably always will be the core of the Star Trek experience with our crew, having the option of a starbase experience, be it single-mission or long-term arc, is always a welcome option. Looking forward to this aspect of game development as well.


I would look forward to a Mission Brief Pack for stations! My crew’s starship is assigned to a starbase so I hope I could play some missions on the station.


In the STA Panel on Shore Leave 2021, @Modiphius-Jim showed some preview content of upcoming products. :slight_smile:

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I second that emotion.

I’m cool with The Next Generation TV series, but everything after that mostly leaves me cold. The older I get the more I enjoy the original show and, for an RPG setting, how it leaves so much unsaid and undefined that you can fill in the blanks based on your personal tastes as long as you don’t outright contradict anything clearly presented onscreen.

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Any update on a release date for the Tricorder set?

And any of thebother fun and new things?

Not yet. Soon, though.

When will the Shakleton Expanse book be available for sale on Amazon, so I can afford it? (With S&H fees, it jumps the price up to nearly a $100 hundred US Dollars.)

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Soooo… I know, thread necromancy and stuff, but I wanted to keep the wishlist clean of my speculations. @Modiphius-Jim has gifted us with a video update on the STA line and about eight minutes in, he mentions to juggle “close to fifty” different products, right now. Maybe he said “fifteen” and not “fifty”. But I hope it’s fifty. :smiley:

A lot of are said to be digital products and if Modiphius keeps the current stream of content up, we are to expect both six standalone adventures and six mission brief packs until christmas. For the last couple of months, Modiphius was releasing STA content every other week, releasing a free Mission Brief pack every other of these releases, a standalone adventure being the other release.

Also, if I am teased correctly, there are no less than two print products other than the Lower Decks supplement that are to be released this year. Already saving my latinum. Yet, Jim said probably none of those are expected right now. Let’s see.

The first obvious choice would be to have a supplement on the Picard series. It’s officially finished and we know Modiphius has the license, for there were crew packs already. Also, the third season connected PIC further to DS9, while the presence of “Commander Seven” in all three seasons was a close connection to VOY. Thus, PIC, in a way, is a continuation on STA’s “main” storyline, being the TNG/DS9/VOY era. Yet it might be too obvious and maybe it’s planned for next year or so, to give writers a bit more time to fully include season three.

The next obvious choice would be to have a Discovery supplement for the “future”. The DIS supplement already released specifies a time in it’s title, leaving options open for a second supplement on all the juicy Federation rebuild. Yet, if I were Modiphius, I would again wait on the series to end, as this has already been announced by Paramount/CBS/whoeveridk.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one eagerly waiting for a Strange New Worlds supplement. Yet, it took Modiphius three years to obtain the license for Lower Decks and SNW only just started its second season. So, maybe this is already one of the products on Jim’s list, but I wouldn’t expect it this year already.

The last time, I heard Jim telling us about the numbers of products actively in development, was prior to the release of the mini STLs. I would explain the astonishing numbers of products he mentioned then (also 40+ iirc) with all the minis. Which would’ve lead me to the wild speculation that Eaglemoss is out of business and that Modiphius has a history of coming up with mini-intensive tabletop games. Yet, Jim in his last video hinted at other companies having the license for such board games, stressing that Modiphius only is licensed to do character minis, not ship minis. So I don’t think we’ll see ship minis in any context by Modiphius.

So, no clues so far.

My speculation, though, is, that we’ll see another mission compendium. Klingons got a core rulebook and a few standalones and briefs, but not (yet) a mission compendium. And while a year or two ago it was said that there were no plans to release another mission compendium, this might have changed. It would definetly be not expected. :wink:

My second speculation would be a follow-up (in any form) on the Shackleton Expanse campaign setting. It’s Modiphius’ original content and if I remember correctly, hit not too bad on the market (at least it should’ve hit great as it is imho the best supplement of all that have been released). There was many a request for a continuation of the Living Campaign (that is a the base of the Shackleton Expanse book) and while there were four original species in the book, we haven’t seen too much missions / briefs focussing on these species. If I was a writer of the game line, I would pitch such adventures to Jim. I’m pretty sure the writers have done so. So something related to the Shackleton Expanse is high up on my list of expectations (and hopes, btw).

Third, I’m still hoping for a book focussing on Romulans and/or Cardassians. But I don’t think that we will get this, this year. (Yet, if we don’t expect it… it’s a conundrum.)

Fourth and finally, I expect Jim to post a Sloan/Section31 meme as answer to my speculations. As he almost always does. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


We’re releasing new content every month, not every other week. Even with the STA machine cranking along, neither I nor the Modiphius graphics teams could keep up with a new release every other week schedule. :smiley:

New mission brief or standalone adventure PDF every month. And yes, there are two more print products to come beyond the Lower Decks Campaign Guide.

Fun speculation! Only other thing I’ll say is that yes, since the powers that be announced Disco season 5 is the last season, it makes sense to wait for a potential 32nd century print product.

Definitely no ship minis in the works. We don’t have the license for ship minis. GF9 recently announced a big new character-scale minis game, fwiw.

Edit to add: Current discrete products in development: 51. This doesn’t include reprints or versions of a product (like printer friendly or standard or print or PDF separately). Product X might have standard, PF, PDF, and VTT versions, but I’m counting it as one product as opposed to potentially four. :slight_smile:


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Also… you’re in the area of 51 products? :rofl:

Oh, and, for an addition: I’d put a considerable amount of latinum on a Prodigy Core Rulebook (yes) with a streamlined version of STA, e.g. omitting d20 like Dune did and less crunch, aimed at a younger audience and/or players who like an even more narrative approach. But I think it’s a bit too early for this since Prodigy, just like SNW, is probably not running long enough for Modiphius already obtaining the license.

Also, we got a “Movies Era” design template but no content geared towards said era. :thinking:
The more I think about that, the more this advances on my list of the things unexpected.

I shall see and, until then, save my latinum.

Not to mention Paramount canceled Prodigy.

Technically, Paramount Plus canceled Prodigy. Paramount Studios appears to be working with the Hagemans on finding the show a new home. It’s a subtle difference, I know, but it seems to me to be one worth making (though that could change, of course).

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Huh. Didn’t notice that. Had hoped for a second season. Afterall, what’s with Chakotay? :frowning: Thanks, anyway.

Still thinking the movies’ era layout will eventually be put to some (additional) good use, though. :slight_smile:

I hope one of them is another BIG campaign book like the Shackleton Expanse, still playing that (started with the living campaign, switched over the campaign book) after 2 years. So much content in there.

Would love another large one campaign book!


You know what would be an “out there” but fun idea for a book? A campaign book spanning whole eras focusing on a ship rather than the crew.

Something like The Great Pendragon Campaign but it would follow, say, one of the first Excelsior class ships straight from the tail end of the Movie Era to the Dominion War, with an adventure seed or two for every year, and all the major events woven in. And over the campaign each player would swap out characters as time went on, the ship went in for major refits, etc.


Actually an amazing idea for a campaign which I shall immediately steal! Thank you! :heart_eyes:

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Probably a Star Trek: Picard sourcebook by the end of 2024 and perhaps a Star Trek Discovery Seasons 3-5 sourcebook by the end of 2025.

I guess Modiphius does have the license for Prodigy.

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