Updating Idaho and Yueh

Powers and Pawns introduced a load of talents for Swordmasters and Suk doctors. Duncan Idaho and Wellington Yueh were given statblocks (in the core rulebook) before these came out. In particular, that means Duncan looks a bit weak compared to what a Swordmaster looks like with the new talents.

If you were to redo Yueh and Idaho’s talent lists, what would you give them?

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My take on Duncan Idaho (using Swordmaster talents from Power & Pawns - The Emperor’s Court.

Duncan Idaho | Improved Swordmaster Version 2.0.pdf (2.0 MB)


Short version: I gave him Blademaster, Blur of Blades, Master of Battle, and Weapon Focus.

If ever there was a killer who could take on a dozen Sardaukar, this might do it.


@SherpaSteve That’s what I was thinking, but wouldn’t he just have 3 Ginaz talents?

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I guess giving him 4 rather than 3 makes him better than a recently graduated swordmaster, which fits.


My take on Doctor Wellington Yueh (using Suk Doctor talents from Power & Pawns - The Emperor’s Court.
Wellington Yueh | Improved Suk Doctor Version 2.0.pdf (2.2 MB)


Duncan from the Core Rulebook had 4 Talents as well, so I went with that level of expertise.

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That makes sense. I’d pictured 3 Ginaz talents and one “normal”. Probably better that he be an exceptional example of a swordmaster.

With Yueh, what made you decide to give him 4 talents?

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Yueh is a major character, and not a newly created player character. 4+ talents seemed appropriate for someone of his experience. They gave Paul 5+ talents. 3 is not a hard limit for any character.

Belatedly … I guess I looked at the stats in the core rulebook and saw him as having only 3 talents (on par with Leto).