Themed tokens, momentum, threat etc

Interestingly it seems to be on wikicommons, although we didn’t put it there.
You will probably find a snapshot from the pdf will give you the image you need.
Obviously I have to add the logo isn’t fair game, but I don’t think anyone minds you using it to add to your own game.


It totally is for my own purposes! Just looking to add some more immersive and fun stuff to the game and I think Nagara themed Momentum tokens would be pretty cool! I would also love to have a pack of blank asset cards like the ones in the asset decks (there are only around 4 though between the 2 packs) to be able to use them for the game as well. I assume that there is no way to get such a thing from Modiphius?


We’re having a look at maybe doing a ‘handout pack’ with a load of icons and borders etc to let you make handouts for your games.
We have to double check though as there are some license issues to check out though…


That would be SO cool! :heart_eyes:

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That would be amazing! Take my money!!!



Sounds great, I’d be interested in that. :slight_smile:

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So I went ahead and got some tokens made!

They turned out pretty well I think!



Nice, they look excellent. :+1:

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A little late but I got some wooden poker chips and printed some images on label stickers to make my own tokens. Would love to get some plastic tokens or poker chips.