Settlement Rules (Homebrew)

I have generated rules for establishing and running a settlement for the 2d20 rules. Not as hyper-detailed as in Fallout 4, but close enough that if you want to add that element to your game, it’s an easy way to do it with the 2d20 rules. As always, there is a Word and PDF copy of the rules in my folder, along with all the other stuff I’ve generated. Vehicle rules, Overseer screen panels as well as quick reference sheets for equipment, mods and people around the Commonwealth. Any feedback on how useful or balanced these rules are, as well as my vehicle rules would be HIGHLY appreciated.



No crafting times listed. Other than interesting.

I left times up to the Overseer. Much of it will depend on available manpower, etc… Rather than get into a bunch of additional charts and numbers, the Overseer can just figure out what works for their game.

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This is quite nice! A not-too-crunchy way to build settlements, since rebuilding civilization was such a big part of Fallout 4.

Well done! :clap:

This is very similar to what I have been working on. Now my rules will seem derivative Lol. Guess I don’t have to make settlement rules after all.

Just a question; is happiness only relevant for raid results or does it have any other effects?

Dig this. My players have taken Sanctuary and I’d love to build it using this. What size of settlement would it be? Also, in the interest of saving time, do you already have the basic starting Sanctuary Hills written up?

I allow pretty much any settlement to grow up to 50 ‘lots’, but it’s really up to the Overseer to limit size based on what makes sense for the settlement being established. Something in a cave system is going to have natural limits, I’ve sort of just figured places like Sanctuary, Starlight Drive-In, Sommerville, etc… would be the full 50 (as examples) and other places relatively smaller. You don’t have to clear it all at once though. You can clear just 10 lots and then grow from there as time and manpower allow.

I really like this idea. I’ll include a “plot limit” in my rules!

In the perks sheet that was updated for the Gun Nut from 3 to 4 well might need revised for Science fot the same thing