Q'plah! A new addition to STA is coming

Question, if I pre-order, or buy, the book from a store in America will it also come with a redemption code for the pdf? I don’t mean for the preview but once you get the physical book is there like a coupon code included to get the pdf or would I be required to buy the pdf and the book separately? I ask since it’s cheaper by like $50 to order the book in America than it is to order directly from Modiphius.

This question has come up a few times on the boards.
If you send proof of purchase to support@modiphius.com they will hook you up with the PDF.

Modiphius is the only company I know that does this and it really says something about how they view their fans. :grinning:


They are not the only one. The German publisher Verlag für F&SF Spiele does something similiar since they started to publish the fifth edition of their MIDGARD RPG (which BTW is Germany’s oldest RPG, first published in 1981). Each hardcover book has a unique code inside which can be used to unlock the PDF version and other extras on their homepage. But this is the only way to get the PDF version.

So do any of the companies signed up to the Bits and Mortar project. Cubicle 7 and Evil Hat amongst others.

Clearly I am a bit parochial in my observations. :flushed:
Though I will give myself an excuse by not speaking German (Despite the best efforts of my German teacher at school) and not being near a bits and mortar project store.

Still, kudos to them as well. Times have changed in the industry it seems.

B&M’s been around for about a decade. It does tend to be smaller companies - the bigger ones (Wizards, Paizo, Pinnacle) all have their own ways of handling this kind of thing (or not). In my experience, you generally email a photo of the receipt to the shop, which organises the PDF with the publisher. I believe Fred Hicks (Fate RPG) started the project as a way to support physical shops while still distributing PDFs - I try to support it!

I know that Green Ronin used to allow you to preorder a book from your FLGS and get an immediate coupon for the free PDF. The weird part was that you could then cancel your preorder while still enjoying that free pdf. Not sure if Green Ronin still does that because I stopped buying their stuff a few years back.

Pelgrane too. Another great company. :grinning:

Edit: From “very good” to “great”.

I used to work for Pelgrane (back in the early days) - I’ll let Simon know you said something nice when I see him next!

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And now that we’re just about done with October, I’d like to again ask when the final version of the pdf will be available along with when we can expect the print book.

Winter begins only in december. If you take the astronomical definition, it begins with the winter solstice on 21./22. december.

There’s still plenty of time and if I learned anything with Modiphius publication practice, it is that you’ve gotta be patient. :slight_smile:

Yes please, that would be useful


Heh, thinking back to Palladium books in the 90’s and I’ve gotta say Modiphius is doing fine at schedule keeping. I’m still eagerly awaiting the release of a Palladium Fantasy RPG book or two that were announced in 1998.

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Comparing a company to Palladium’s release schedule is damning with faint praise. If you want to turn it up, you can switch to Eden.

Just saying it isn’t even late yet. If it comes out within a year it’s pretty good.

That’s very generous. :slight_smile: It won’t be a year.


Please do! They make great games.

@HappyDaze Shipping will start “this very Friday”, according to the Modiphius newsletter I just received and that contains this memorable quote:

I don’t know exactly whether I find it more interesting that
a) Modiphius seems to assume I already knew that shipping would begin on Friday (which is actually not true and I have no idea where I should have gotten this information), or
b) that I shall crew a ‘warbird’ when gaming as Klingons (Sela is not gonna like this).


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If the books are really shipping this Friday, there’s no good reason the final version of the pdf (the one that matches the already printed books) hasn’t been made available.

That is one of the most german comments I ever read.

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