That looks nice… care to share?
I replaced all my Attack Wing minis with 1:2500 scale Round 2 model kits. However, as the Oberth/Pegasus AW mini was more or less the right scale I kept it and ‘fixed’ it:
1:2500 is a bit too large for me. I like to build scenarios with multiple ships. Should you want to play with ships in scale to one another- which is what I like as well. There are several 3d printing services that cater to this. And they have all ships in the books and then some including expanded universe ships. I also for some of the larger scaled ships use eaglemoss models and drill a small hole and put then on attack wing stands
@CaptainT which sites do you consider the best for these?
I have used several. I have not been disappointed as long as you get fine detail resin
My 2500 scale Nova I downloaded from Thingiverse. Drew up and printed the decals myself. Also scratch built the Attack Wing style stand.
Could you please share that shuttle? I can’t seem to find any paper craft models of it.
Some more TOS era ships for my campaign. Mostly 3D prints off Shapeways, though the D6 came from a studio working with the guys behind Axanar.
I can. I don’t have any instructions drawn up for it but it’s not that complicated really.
I’ll try and put it together in a PDF over the weekend
Thank you! From the looks of it, it shouldn’t be to hard to figure out.
…aaaand then I completely forgot about it. I’ll try and remember to do it asap.
I didn’t want to push.
poke, poke
@Sans , sorry it’s taken so long. I forgot yet again. However, here are the parts. I’ve numbered them and tried to describe what they are as best I can but I’m afraid some of the pieces are not that self explanatory. If I find the time (and I remember) I’ll try and draw up proper instructions. Until then, good luck.
If I remember correctly, I constructed the interior first (positioning the interior furnishings before closing the top) and then built the exterior around it.
The PDF is here:
And this is the parts list:
Parts List
1 Main Hull. If you want to make a closed model then don’t bother cutting out the windows. On mine, I used some packing celophane lightly dusted with black spray paint to make them smoked.
2 Top of the hull. Same with the window with this piece.
3 Starboard Nacelle - Just wraps around
4 End caps for the Nacelles
5 Port Nacelle
6 Interior Cockpit Arch faces
7 - Rear door - Folds in half down the centre of the middle panel so that it has a front and back face with a tab at the bottom to glue to the hull and create a hinge.
8 Rear Hull.
29 (I forgot this one so added it in later) - Starboard couch seats
9 Cockpit Chairs
10 - Cockpit arch inner panels
11 - Cockpit Arch outer panels. Not seen on the final model but used for strengthening.
12 - Cockpit control panels. The two side panels glue on to the tabs either side of the main panel. These also have slight folds in them.
13 - Starboard Couch back Panels
14 - Port Couch Seats
15 - Rear compartment computer Panel - Lower section
16, 18 + 19 - Starboard Engine Cowling
17, 20 + 21 - Port Engine Cowling
22 - Port Couch Back
23 - Interior rear access rim - fits to the rear of part 28 once assembled
24 - Rear Entry rim - Fits inside the opening of part 8 and connects part 8 and part 28
25 - Port door servo housing - sits just inside the rear entrance
26 - Starboard door servo housing
27 - Rear compartment computer panel - upper section
28 - Interior housing.
Thank you!
I love all the starships you guys make look so nice and envy your talents and/or patience. I just use a bunch of Star Trek Attack Wing miniatures when we need some starships on the table, but most of them are those unpainted “Deep Cuts” and, while they do all I need them to do, they’re not nearly so pretty as yours!
Thanks! More than anything it’s patience and practice (and reworking mistakes).
Main reason for posting is to say “you can do it too!” Yell if you’d like information to get started.
The biggest secret I can share is that you are not painting perfectly, but well enough to convince the viewer to see what you want them to see.
I appreciate it. Maybe someday! But right now I barely have time to play RPGs (wife, kids, job, house, etc.) so I’m content to admire the work of others.
3D printed mini painted as our own ship U.S.S. Livingstone for our Star Trek Adventures livestream play