Will there be new adventure modules or a campaign book coming out?
That’s a very good question! AFAIK no, because nothing else was funded by the Kickstarter.
Oh that’s too bad to hear. Is there a community site that has community created adventures/games?
Maybe they’ll Kickstart some future supplements? I think Free League does this periodically.
There is an ad in the latest issue of Modiphia annoucing that new PDF adventures for JCoM will be available soon. Could some one please tell us more about those?
Is it possible to get these back issues of Modiphia? I’d really like to see what articles they have for John Carter.
Anything new planned?
That’s a very good questions. I hope that there is but I fear that there is not.
Modiphius is so careful on announcing new products that it seems strange that the add was included but nothing has been released since. Something must have gone very wrong late in the release process.
At this point not sure if we’ll ever know
I think it’s safe to say that this game only exists now in the minds of those who are already playing it, which is sad. My first campaign lasted a year, and my players DEMANDED I immediately start running another, fast forward to tomorrow and I will be running two concurrent campaigns of JCoM.
Could have sold me a lot more stuff, but I got it all in the kickstarter.
That is, how Mutant Chronicles and Infinity - and possibly Conan soon, too - got treated.
Only the Kickstarter products are released, then the product line is shut down.
I fully expect JCoM to be already considered done and out by Modiphius.
Which in my opinion, is a shame, both infinity and John carter are great products and I’d be willing to spend money on new content.
I do not think so, because Conan is getting new material which was never part of the Kickstarter.
And we have is mysterious ad from last year.
Which material is this? Do you have a link on any announcement?
Or do you mean the recent and the upcoming Conan books that actually WERE part of the Kickstarter, but only for the subscription pledge level?
You’ve clearly misunderstood the subscription pledge level. This level only means that all planned books for the next two years are included but which books these are. And it was never even clear if additional books will be published.
And what about that mysterious ad from Modiphia issue #5 p19? It says: “Adventure Awaits on the Dying World of Barsoom! New PDF Adventures Available Soon on Modiphius.net”
Is this line dead? If so, is some other company getting the rights to make an rpg as with Conan?
The line is dead, but there has been no mention of the rights expiring as they did with Conan. I had hoped they would at least release STLs of all the miniatures while they had the rights. I own everything else in the line, but I never had the chance to collect all the miniatures while they were in stock.
I also wish they would release the stls as it’s the parts I don’t have and it’s such a great RPG and feel just missing the icing.